9 Things to Do If You Feel Hopeless


Verywell / Catherine Song


感到困住了一个绝望的地方使生活真的很难。Fortunately, there are some things you can do when you feel hopeless to make life a bit better—no matter how bad things might seem.

Consider That Your Brain Might Be Lying to You

Your brain might tell you that things are awful, horrible, and dreadful. It may try to convince you that you can’t succeed or tell you that there’s no chance things are going to get better.


Hopeless feelings fuel hopeless thoughts. And it’s easy to get caught up in a negative cycle that makes it hard to see that things can get better.

你甚至可能会想到的事情,“我已经尝试了一切,没有任何作用!”但那可能是一个认知畸变。You may have tried a few things—or even 10 things—but you likely haven’t tried everything.



When you feel hopeless, you’ll likely think about all the reasons why nothing will ever get better. So take a few minutes to argue the opposite.




Think About What You Gain From Being Hopeless


But, upon a little more reflection you might discover that feeling hopeless protects you from being disappointed. If you don’t expect anything good to happen, you don’t have to worry about being disappointed if things go poorly.

Being hopeless also might help you feel all right about not taking action.

For example, if you’re hopeless that you’ll everpay off your debt,您可能不会责备增加收入(通过再次工作)或者您可能无法管理您的支出(通过创建预算)。

So consider whether you might be gaining something by remaining hopeless. You might find it somehow protects you from creating change or doing anything differently.

Consider What You Could Gain From Developing Hope


Then, you might go ahead and start acting as if you were hopeful.

For example, you might realize that if you had hope, you’d be going out and meeting new people. Or, you’d be applying for a new job. Go do those things, even if you aren’t hopeful, they’ll work.

Sometimes, you have to change your behavior first and the feelings might follow. So if you act hopeful, you might start to eventually feel more hopeful.

Engage In Problem-Solving

Hopelessness, by definition, is the belief that things aren’t going to get better or that you can’t succeed. But, there is always something you can do tosolve a problemor to change how you feel about the problem.

Spend some time thinking about potential solutions to the problem. Brainstorm ideas and keep them in mind, you don’t even necessarily need good ideas. Just see if you can come up with as many strategies as you can to address a problem.

If you can’t solve the problem (like in the case of a loved one’s illness), consider how to change how you feel about the problem. Could spending time with family members help you feel a little better? Might you feel a little more hopeful if you took a mental health day from the workplace?


Talk to a Trusted Friend or Family Member

When you’re struggling to identify possible solutions or you are having a hard time getting unstuck, reach out to a trusted friend or family member. Tell them what you’re experiencing.



Develop a Plan

在您开发了自己的想法之后和/或与别人 - 创建计划。决定你先采取什么步骤。

请记住,如果计划不工作,你可以always have a plan B. Think of your plan as an experiment and your job is to尽可能多的实验until you discover what works.

Take Action


毕竟,你可能不会得到希望你的年代ituation by sitting still. Instead, you’ll gain more hope when you start putting yourself out there and start seeing what you can do.

Seek Professional Help

Hopelessness can be a symptom of a mental health issue, likedepressionSo if your feelings of hopelessness last more than two weeks or you’re concerned about your mental health, talk to someone.




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