How to Identify Your Emotions When You’re Depressed


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That’s why many people who have depression don’t recognize it as such. And it’s why people often show disbelief when they learnsomeone has depression



Common Emotions Experienced During Depression

While everyone’s experience with depression is a little different, some emotions during depression are fairlycommon symptoms

  • 悲伤:沮丧can cause deep悲伤的感觉。悲伤的感觉可能涉及一个特定的事件,就像失去亲人的事件,或者他们可能只是悲伤的一般感觉。
  • Guilt:沮丧may make youfeel guilty几乎一切。你可能会感到内疚
  • Irritability: 您可以feel irritablemuch of the time. You may have a lower frustration tolerance or you may just feel annoyed by almost everything going on around you.
  • 焦虑:You might worry about something specific (like whether you’re going to be able to fall asleep tonight) or you might just感到焦虑for no particular reason.
  • Loneliness:当你沮丧时,你可能不觉得社交,但同时,你可能会觉得真的很孤单。Loneliness即使你被人包围,也可以是常见的。
  • Worthlessness:您可能会相信您没有任何贡献世界,您可能会觉得自己好像worthlessto your friends and family.
  • 绝望:沮丧can cause you to think that nothing will ever work or thatthings will never get better


Feelings are complex. Simply putting a name to them can help your brain make more sense of what is going on.


It may not be helpful to just identify what you’re feeling as depression. It may be more beneficial to identify more specific emotions that you’re going through—which are likely to shift and vary quite often.



  • Start with a number。如果你正在努力命名你的感受,请从一个开始
    number system. Rank your mood from 1 to 10 every day with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the best. After a few days of using a number system, you might feel more comfortable putting a name to the various emotions you’re experiencing.
  • 使用感情图表。It’s impossible to identify how you’re feeling unless you have the language for it. Look at a feelings chart or feelings word list to help you recall avast array of feelings从失望的尴尬感到不受影响。
  • 花时间反思。每天留出一些时间来思考你的情绪。您可能会记得整个一天中某些时代的感觉,或者您可能会暂停每次暂停,只需命名您的感受。
  • 把它与另一种习惯配对。让你的情绪命名为常规习惯,用你已经做的另一种习惯对。例如,当你在早晨刷牙时,你可能会命名你的感受,然后再次在晚上再次。或者,您可能会识别每餐的情绪。将它与您已经确实的习惯将其与将其更容易记住。
  • 写在期刊写下东西可以帮助你更好地了解你的情绪状态。每天花几分钟通过您在纸上的感受来排序。
  • 谈论日常谈话中的感受。你不必一直谈论你的感受,但将更多的感觉言语融入日常对话中可以帮助您更加舒适地识别您的情绪状态。


You might be both happy and sad. Or, you might feel anxious and excited. It’s normal to experience all types of emotions simultaneously. But naming your feelings can help you sort those things out a bit and help your brain make a little more sense of what’s going on.



A mental health professional can help you. A therapist can assist you in figuring out

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  1. Torre JB,Lieberman MD。将感情放入单词:影响标签作为隐含的情绪调节。Emotion Review。2018;10(2):116-124. doi:10.1177/1754073917742706