8 Things to Do if You Feel Irritable


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These strategies can help reduce your irritability so you can feel better.

Acknowledge Your Irritability


But denying your irritability is likely to make you feel worse.

When you notice that you’re feeling annoyed with everything and everyone around you, acknowledge that you’re irritable.

You don’t necessarily have to announce that you’re feeling irritable. You might just acknowledge it to yourself.

Studies show naming your feelings can take a lot of the intensity out of them. You might even rate your irritability on a scale of 1 to 10. One study found that when individuals ranked their anger on a scale, their physiological symptoms declined and they felt calmer.

So take a minute to标签你的情绪当你感觉烦躁。你可能会notice you start to feel just a little better right away.

Determine if There Is a Clear Source





Take a Few Deep Breaths

想法,“我不能忍受在这里一分钟,”会喂你的烦躁。你的身体将通过释放相应地回应cortisol, a stress hormone.

Then, your heart might beat faster. Your palms might grow sweaty. Your blood pressure might rise.

Taking a few slow, deep breaths可以平息你的生理反应。当你的身体长一点平静时,你的大脑也可能会变得平静。

When you’re feeling stressed and irritable, try inhaling slowly to the count of three through your nose. Hold your breath for just a second and then exhale slowly through pursed lips for a count of three. Do that three times and see if you feel a little better.



Walk away for a minute and take an adult-sized time-out.

Think of your irritability as a sign that you’re running low on batteries (similar to the way your digital devices do). Taking a quick break might be all you need to charge your batteries again so you can re-enter the situation feeling refreshed.

Whether a break for you means a quick walk around the building or it means a few minutes oflistening to musicin your bedroom with the door shut, find something that can help you calm down fast.


研究表明了运动可能对您的心理健康有益万博手机客户端。Physical activity has been used as an effective treatment for anxiety, mood disorder, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. So if irritability stems from a mental health issue, working out can help.

On the flipside, however, too much exercise may increase irritability. This may be especially true if you’re dieting or overtraining.




So the next time you feel a little irritable, reach for a piece of gum. You might find it helps you feel a little calmer and a little happier.

Reframe Your Negative Thoughts

When you’re dealing with an inconvenience, like a traffic jam, you might start thinking thoughts that fuel your irritability. Thinking something like, “I hate wasting my life in traffic!” will cause you to feel worse.


Stick to the facts, rather than your judgments and emotions surrounding those facts. In the case of a traffic jam, you might remind yourself that there are millions of cars on the road every day and traffic jams are bound to happen.


Irritability can be a sign of a mental health issue, like depression. So if your irritability lingers for a couple of weeks or you are concerned about it, talk to your physician or伸出心理健康专业万博手机客户端。Treating an underlying mental health issue may help resolve your irritability so you can feel better.

A Word From Verywell

A little irritability may just be a sign that you need to create some lifestyle changes. Adding a little more self-care into your daily routine might be all it takes to feel your best.


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