


Verywell / Julie Bang

在“问一个治疗师”系列中,我将回答你对所有心理健康和心理学的问题。万博手机客户端万博maxbetx官网登陆无论您是在心理健康状况下挣扎,应对焦虑造成生活情况,还是只是寻找治疗万博手机客户端师的洞察力,提交一个问题. Look out for my answers to your questions every Friday in theHealthy Mind newsletter.

A Reader Asks


Amy Answers

Like many people, it sounds like you initially sought alcohol because you thought it was a solution. It might have temporarily offered relief from boredom or loneliness. But over time, you may be noticing that alcohol is creating more problems for you—not actually solving anything. Fortunately, there are many different things you can do to curb your drinking.

Signs of a Problem

Although you’ve noticed your friends aren’t drinking as much, you aren’t the only one to increase your alcohol intake during the pandemic. Many people are using alcohol to应付日常生活的压力现在。但是转向酒精来应对也意味着许多人的健康问题的风险增加,物质使用障碍,关系麻烦和心理健康问题。万博手机客户端


So while one person may have a few drinks every week without experiencing any repercussions, someone else might experience serious problems when they consume the same amount of alcohol.

Alcohol becomes a problem when it causes social or relationship problems. Perhaps you argue with your partner when you’re drinking, or maybe you become the loud person who embarrasses their friends in a restaurant.




Strategies to Try on Your Own

Since you are worried about how much alcohol you are consuming, try taking some steps to change your drinking habits. It’s unclear from your question exactly how much you’re drinking. If you’re drinking a lot or you’ve been drinking daily, you might experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop.Withdrawal symptomsshould be monitored by a medical professional.

一个很好的起点是通过调用的物质Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP(4357). They can direct you to resources in your area and provide advice on options.


  • 为自己设定一个目标。Decide how often and how much you want to drink. For reference, healthy men are usually encouraged to drink no more than 14 standard drinks per week. For healthy women, that number is capped at 7 drinks per week. You might decide to quit drinking altogether or you might set a limit on how many drinks you have in a day or a week.
  • Keep track of your drinking.It’s easy to underestimate how much you’re consuming, especially during the pandemic where you may be drinking at home. Writing down how much and how often you’re drinking can raise your awareness. Start keeping a log to help you see how much you’re consuming every day.
  • Create a list of reasons why you want to cut back/stop.你想要停止饮酒的原因是什么?列出不饮酒的好处以及您想要停止的原因。当你诱惑到达酒精时,阅读列表。
  • Don’t keep alcohol in the house.If your house is well-stocked with alcohol, you’ll likely drink more and more often. So while it may not be safe to go out and drink right now, stocking up on alcohol at home likely isn’t a good idea either.
  • Try other coping skills.Pay attention to how you’re feeling when you’re tempted to drink. Are you sad? Bored? Lonely? Try using other coping strategies first. You might find reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk, calling a friend, or watching a movie can also help you cope with uncomfortable feelings.
  • 得到支持。There are many places where you cansupport from other people. From AA meetings (which you can attend online or in-person right now) to apps, there are many ways to get support.


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Talk to a Professional



You also might reach out to a therapist. A therapist can assess your habits and make recommendations that could help you manage your alcohol intake.

