Whether you were denied a promotion at the office or you failed to qualify for a marathon, failing feels bad. Many people will go to great lengths to avoid failing so they don’t have to feel painfulemotions.
Knowing how to cope with failure in a healthy way takes some of the fear out of failing—and it might reduce the pain so you can bounce back better than before. Here are 10 healthy ways to cope with failure.
Embrace Your Emotions
发表的2017年研究Journal of Behavioral Decision Makingsays you shouldn’t try to sluff off feeling bad after failure. Researchers discovered that thinking about your emotions—rather than the failure itself—is most helpful.
Allowing yourself to feel bad is motivating. It can help you work harder to find better solutions so that you’ll improve next time.
Calling a friend, practicing deep breathing, taking a bubble bath, going for a walk, or playing with your pet are just a few examples of healthy coping skills. Not every coping skill works for everyone, however, so it’s important to find coping skills that will work for you.
如果你在习惯于习惯的习惯时挣扎,当你强调的吸烟或吃垃圾食品 - 创造一个健康的应对技巧列表并将其悬挂在一个突出的地方。然后,使用您的列表提醒您当您感觉不好时,您可以转向更健康的策略。
2010年研究发表在食欲found that people were more likely to sabotage themselves when they were convinced a mistake made them a total failure.
When you find yourself thinking that you’re a hopeless cause or that there’s no use in trying again, reframe your thoughts. Remind yourself of more realistic thoughts about failure such as:
- 失败是一个迹象,即我挑战自己做一些困难的事情
- 我可以处理失败。
- I can learn from my failures.
Accept an Appropriate Level of Responsibility
It’s important to accept an accurate level of responsibility for your failure. Taking on too much responsibility may cause you to unnecessarily blame yourself. On the other hand, blaming other people or unfortunate circumstances on your failure will prevent you from learning from it.
Create a Plan for Moving Forward
一遍又一遍又一遍地重播你的失败不会有任何好处。不要让自己ruminateon all the things that went wrong. Dwelling on your problems or rehashing your mistakes will keep you stuck.
If you’ve spent most of your life avoiding failure, it can feel really scary when it finally happens. Facing your fears, however, can be the key to reducing the discomfort.
A Word From Verywell
年代ometimes, failure becomes debilitating. If you’re struggling to function after you’ve failed at something, consider seeking professional help.