
Young woman being mindful



谨慎的是越来越充分意识到现在的时刻和完全 - 而不是住在过去或将来突出的做法。它通常涉及提高对感官刺激的意识(注意到您的呼吸,感觉您的身体感觉等)并在现在“。

If you are experiencing thoughts that cause great discomfort or unease, it might be time to begin a mindfulness practice to support coming back to the here and now, which can significantly reduce your level of stress.



There are some signs that practicing mindfulness might be beneficial in your life. You might want to give mindfulness a try if:

  • 你正在努力与焦虑或抑郁的感觉。
  • 你觉得分心或发现很难集中注意力。
  • 你感到压力。
  • You have a hard time practicing自同情心
  • You struggle with overeating or excessive snacking.
  • You tend to focus on negative emotions.
  • Your relationships with others are not as close or as strong as you would like.

Types of Mindfulness


Therapy options that incorporate mindfulness practices include:



Some ways that you can practice meditation in your daily life:

  • 请注意:花时间在你周围的世界中注意到的东西,包括你自己的感受,感官和思想。专注于放慢速度,享受您正在遇到的事情。
  • Focus on the moment: Rather than thinking about the past or worrying about the future, try to just take in what is happening right in front of you. Being present in the moment can help you feel more mindful and aware.
  • 尝试正明冥想: Regular practice of mindfulness meditation has benefits for your physical as well as your万博手机客户端

For those who tend to get "antsy" during meditation (don’t worry, you’re not alone), there are other ways to ease into the practice of mindfulness.园艺,听音乐, and even打扫房子如果你采取正确的方法,可以成为一项谨慎的练习。

专注于现在的声音和安静的声音 - 在您正在做的事情上提供运行评论,您所做的事情以及您将要做的事情。目标不是沉默在你的脑海中发生的事情。相反,在没有判断的情况下观察你的想法,当你注意到你的思绪徘徊时,轻轻地把你的重点带回现在。

影响of Mindfulness


Anxiety Disorders

人们anxiety disorders, 包括generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), may experience significant reductions in anxiety and depressive symptoms after a mindfulness-based intervention.介意也可以用来减少未来的焦虑。它可以从压力思想中休息,并允许您在其他事情中采取心理休息和透视。


One study showed that people who experienced residual depressive symptoms following a depressive episode experienced a decrease in symptoms and反刍在一个基于谨慎的干预之后,一个月后进一步获得。

Studies also show that mindfulness can be helpful in stopping ruminations over things that cause stress; it helps people keep from dwelling on negative thoughts.

Relationship Issues

One study found that people who exhibited greater mindfulness as a personality trait tended to enjoy greater satisfaction in relationships and deal with relationship stress more constructively.

The research also found that those who employ mindfulness have a lower stress response during the conflict and that the state of mindfulness was associated with better communication during conflicts. Both studies link mindfulness with relationship well-being.


一项研究发现,基于谨慎的干预措施对于瞄准包括情感饮食的饮食行为可能是有效的binge eating






  • 尝试一个应用程序。如果你正念的新实践,using an app that provides information, resources, and guided practices can be helpful for getting started.
  • 练习一次关注一件事。多任务可以让您感到分心,所以尝试简单地专注于您的完整,重点关注一项任务。
  • Go for a walk.在温柔的散步上花时间在户外漫步是生活的好方法,观察世界周围世界的景点,声音和感觉。
  • Be kind to yourself.如果你发现你的思绪徘徊,不要苛刻或判断。谨慎也是接受自己,并怜悯地对待自己。向自己展示你对一位亲密朋友的同样的同样的同样的同样的同样的同样的友善和理解。




  • Increased anxiety or depression
  • 增加压力水平
  • 更多的物理和体细胞投诉



Other pitfalls to watch for include expecting a quick-fix or thinking that mindfulness is a cure-all. Remember that it takes time, may not be appropriate for every problem, and may work best when used in conjunction with other therapies or treatments.



More recently, the practice of mindfulness has been combined with cognitive therapy in treatments aimed at reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. The practice continues to grow in popularity as research shows the many health benefits of mindfulness.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
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