
woman sitting outside in the sun

Verywell / Madelyn Goodnight


Remote learning,working from home,财务困境,关于死亡人数的媒体故事,缺乏社会互动,持续的不确定性只是过去一年中面临的一些主要压力源,但事实是每个人的经历都是独一无二的。

Fortunately, the tough times also taught us some important lessons about mental health. Carrying those lessons forward into the “new normal” may help us remember to be proactive about caring for our psychological well-being.

Environment Plays a Huge Role in Mental Health


When our usual activities were taken away—everything from going into the office to having dinner with extended family—most of us noticed a shift in our mental well-being.

The disruption to our routines and lack of activity took a toll on everything from how well we slept to what we ate. No matter how mentally healthy we were prior to the pandemic, this year showed us how important that the people we interact with and the things we surround ourselves with matter.


大流行的告诉我们,你不是“男性tally healthy” or “mentally ill.” Mental health is a wide spectrum and where we fall on that spectrum varies from day to day—or sometimes hour to hour.

您可能已经注意到您的心理健康在更紧张的时间内有一点。万博手机客户端即使你没有有资格获得诊断沮丧,anxiety, or some other mental illness, your mental health might not have been as good as it could be.

Anything from看新闻to参加在线会议may have greatly impacted how you felt. And you may have become more aware of your mental health more than ever before.

Anyone Is Susceptible to Mental Health Problems

随着越来越多的人公开谈论他们的情绪斗争,柱头that can be attached to mental health problems seemed to fade a bit.

Celebrities, mental health experts, athletes, and everyday people stepped forward to discuss the toll the pandemic took on their psychological well-being. This helped many people realize that they weren’t alone in their distress.

It’s Important to Have a Wide Variety of Coping Skills

Most people’s “go-to”coping skills今年被带走了。健身房封闭,与朋友的聚会被劝阻,大型活动被取消。

许多人发现自己在家里坐在家里没有他们平常的情绪助推器。因此,人们寻找其他应对技巧,如做瑜珈from their living rooms orreading books


Having a few extra tools in your toolbox can help you manage your distress when you’ve lost access to things you usually depend on to feel your best.

Online Therapy Is a Legitimate Way to Get Help

Many people who were seeing therapists in-person shifted to在线治疗。Others began therapy for the first time with an online service provider.



Building Mental Strength Is an Ongoing Process

It’s easy to feel精神强壮when life is going well. But, the disruption of the pandemic reminded many of us that we have some room to grow.


我们有机会每一天建立精神肌肉。Whether you choose to write in agratitude journalor you challenge yourself physically, you can work on decreasing self-doubt, managing uncomfortable feelings, and taking positive action.

A Word From Verywell

过渡到“新正常”搅拌uncomfortable feelingsfor a lot of people. Some are worried about physical safety. Others are sad about all the things that have changed and all the things they missed.


回顾艰难时期,我们之前幸存下来将有助于我们保持信心,让我们能够处理“新正常”的过渡。这并不是说我们不需要沿着方式的任何支持 - 情绪支持可能比以往任何时候都更必要。

We tend to be stronger than we give ourselves credit for. And asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
