超过一年进入Covid-19大流行和中间vaccinations rolling out across the U.S.和restrictions starting to lift, many people are not only wondering, “How soon can life get back to normal,” they are also thinking “What if I don’t have the social skills anymore to deal with things that used to be easy?”
那些已经在大流行前感到社会尴尬的人,如人社交焦虑, may be stuck in afight-or-flight response。生命一直是一个舒适的泡沫,一个孤立的茧超过一年多,但泡沫即将爆发。思想可能会吓到一些。
- 我们如何重新学习如何与人交谈并管理可能由一年孤立可能导致的社交尴尬?
- What can we do to practice social skills, feel more comfortable, and actually enjoy social situations again?
- 我们如何通过焦虑来应对健康的方式,这将是不可避免的,因为我们回到“正常”的生活?
Research with isolated populations such as soldiers, astronauts, and prisoners tells us that social skills can atrophy just like muscles that are not used.如果您延长了其他人的孤立,您将最终感到尴尬,社会焦虑,无法容忍曾经感受到平凡的东西。
Although things are not quite the same in modern times, most people still have a biological instinct to affiliate with a social network. Even the most socially anxious or内向的人可能希望有社交联系,尽管有时可能很难。
This can be true even if you have been isolated in the company of family members or another close-knit group, because you aren’t experiencing a full social network that you may have had previously, such as seeing people at the gym, talking with coworkers, or making random small talk with strangers.
这种孤独化转化为实际影响:感到生气, 疲劳的,irritable,或悲伤。即使你没有意识地承认你是“孤独”,这些其他情绪反应也可以是你被隔绝的迹象。
- 无法理解社交场合的微妙方面或如何表现
- 感觉你已经过度过敏或超级硅
- 对别人做的事情过度反应
- Doing things that seem inappropriate (e.g., oversharing during a conversation)
- 想要在其他人身边,但是当你真的和他们共度时光时,那就会发现它
- 误解了他人的意图(例如,认为有人不喜欢你或因为他们脸上的表达而对你生气)
- Feeling moreself-conscious比平常
- 避免您曾经享受的事情,例如电话或在社会距离活动中举行会议
- 做出借口,以便这样做说你太累了
- 在社交活动中选择单独活动(例如,选择观看Netflix而不是从朋友接听电话)
How to Practice Social Skills
The good news is that many people are experiencing the exact same things as you right now. That means that our social awkwardness is a collective experience we can relate to and commiserate with as we are going through it together.
This contrasts with the pain of social interaction previously felt by those with social anxiety who felt as though they were a fish out of water; that everyone else had this thing figured out that seemed close to impossible for them.
If you are concerned about practicing your social skills, below are some things that you can do.
- 即使感觉很尴尬,也保持与其他人的沟通(例如,每天都会送完电子邮件,打电话)
- Embrace being awkward instead of fighting against it by mentioning the elephant in the room
- 对这种情况进行笑话(例如,在水冷却器的谈话中,说出像“长时间没有看到”作为一个笑话)
- 练习你的练习听力技巧通过询问开放式问题和paying attention to what is said
- 从对你感到更加安全的情况开始,(例如,你曾经知道的人)
- 首先练习有限的时间(例如,不要让自己进入一个周末与一群陌生人的胜利)
- Make being friendly the most important thing since everyone is feeling some degree of awkwardness and could use your support and lightheartedness
当您准备重新进入社会并练习您的社交技能时,要记住铭记的价值也很重要自同情心和compassion toward others.
Most people are likely feeling at least a little bit of anxiety at the thought of returning to normal life, so it’s important to treat everyone kindly and offer a bit more leeway than you normally would if someone doesn’t behave as you would expect them to.
- 意识到你的社会限制可能已经转移了(例如,你可能无法容忍Weeplong Houseguest,而过去它不会困扰你)
- 承认,没有足够的社会能量,因为你需要做的事情并休息
- 意识到你旧生活的一些方面可能不是理想的,可以让他们走(例如,与让你感到烦躁的人交往)
- Avoid taking on too many social tasks all at once since your ability to manage them has been reduced
- Setboundaries与其他人让他们知道你能处理什么
- 不要假设别人觉得舒服的假设
- 有empathy如果事物起初是尴尬的事情,为自己和其他人
When COVID Concerns Make Things Awkward
Beyond our social skills getting a little rusty, there is also the problem that safety concerns around social distancing have also made social interactions more awkward than they used to be.
In general, there is an overarching question hanging in the air: How are we supposed to act now? If this is one of the reasons for your newfound social awkwardness, below are some tips to help you navigate the problems that can arise due to social distancing anxiety and concerns.
- 对社会做出一点的对话distancing even if they feel awkward。It’s better to understand what will go on at an event than to arrive and be surprised that other people are handling things differently than you.
- Realize that because of the pandemic some of your previous social routines may be permanently changed。务必向其他人传达这方面,以便他们能够理解。例如,如果您更喜欢缩放因后勤原因而缩放,则很好地使这已知。Covid改变了许多社会规范,如果新的方式实际上更好地工作,没有理由回到过去。
- 当你不舒服时提出建议或谈判。It’s been a tumultuous year and many people have ended up feeling divided based on their political opinions or beliefs about social distancing. If someone holds different views than you, offer to compromise instead of reacting in a negative way. Make suggestions that you feel comfortable with to see if you can reach an agreement.
- If you are avoiding and experiencing severe anxiety that is impacting your daily life you probably should seek thehelp。
- Mild or moderate social anxiety may be improved by gradually facing the things that are causing you anxiety until you feel more comfortable again.
- 练习应对策略,因为你进入困难的情况,如深呼吸, repeating积极的肯定或应对陈述,或在您辩解之前设置时间限制。
- 冥想和mindfulnesscan help if you find that your problem is mostly one of worry that carries you away and makes it hard to think of anything else.
- 日记当你走过你的一天时,可以成为潜在的情绪或触发的好方法。每天免费写下你如何感受以及事情如何。寻找思想和感受中的模式,并尝试识别让您感觉更糟糕的触发器,以便您可以在下次遇到它们时准备应对他们。
A Word From Verywell
如果社会疏散和孤立让您感到社交尴尬和社会技能差,那么意识到你并不孤单。事实上,从来没有在历史上有更好的时间来改善你的社交技能 - 几乎每个人都在遇到同样的事情!