Schizophreniais a chronic disease. Thesymptoms of schizophrenia影响你的许多想法,感受和行为。这severity of these symptomscan fluctuate and even someone who is quite ill can sometimes feel and appear normal, even without medication. This remission of symptoms does not mean the illness has gone away.
现代的antipsychotic medicationsgreatly reduce both the severity of your symptoms and the amount of time you spend experiencing active symptoms. Nevertheless, you should expect times of remission and times of relapse.
Impact of Symptoms
- Focusing and maintaining attention
- Remembering appointments, meetings, or past conversations
- Having energy and动机to do normal activities
- 感到充满希望或optimisticto try or do new things
- Perceiving and interpreting social cues and facial expressions accurately
- Engaging in conversation in ways that other people expect
- Behaving socially in ways that other people expect
- Overcoming social shyness and fear of being rejected
It’s important to plan ahead, even when you feel relatively well, for times when you may start to experience symptoms more significantly again. Schizophrenia can make it difficult for you to recognize signs of these symptoms in yourself, so you’ll need to rely on feedback from other people that your behavior is changing. People you can ask to watch for changes include:
- People who live with you
- 医生或者social workersyou see regularly
- People who work with you or go to school with you
- 家庭成员
How Others Can Help
People often don't understand what it is like to生活在精神分裂症中。教育您的支持人员关于寻找哪些更改。因为即使您对比较健康时,您可能会遇到一些这些区域,因此他们应该观看您行为的变化。
- 在早上更加艰难地起床
- 迟到工作或学校
- Seeming spacy or more easily distracted than usual
- 似乎不太开心
- 看似更易怒或激动
- 记忆比平常更糟糕或者心理任务更困难
- 变得更加反应幻觉
- Talking obsessively about a topic that seems strange or delusional
通常,您将能够回到以前的dose after the crisis has passed, or your doctor may change your medications to something that will work better for you.
Steps You Can Take
Almost everyone desires social and emotional connections with others. Schizophrenia is an isolating illness, especially when your active symptoms make you see, hear, and believe things that no one else shares. Even when you’re not experiencing psychotic symptoms, though, your residual symptoms and passive symptoms can make social interactions more difficult.
Things you can do to improve your social experiences include:
- 加入对等支持组。This gives you an opportunity to meet other people who understand and share the same challenges. You’ll learn strategies that work for other people, and be able to practice your social skills in a non-judgmental atmosphere. These can be found online or in your community.
- Ask for feedback.不要害怕问你所爱的人,辅导员和亲密的朋友,以获得反馈并有助于提高你的社交技巧。您的支持小组希望您感受良好,体验您的最佳生活,并将做出他们可以帮助的事情。
- Consider community housing.Community housing and group homes can provide social and group recreational opportunities. It’s important to shop carefully for a living situation that provides high-quality care and a safe, friendly environment.
- 参与在social skills training。You might find this through your mental health services team or through a community group. Similar to the benefits of a peer group, these training classes can offer a space to share challenges and feel less alone and isolated in your experiences.
- 匹配服务。Dating and friend matching services for people with mental health conditions are available in some areas. Ask your consumer self-help group for suggestions.
Emotional Coping
A big part of learning how to regulate our emotions is to learn what they are and why we have them. Actively and consistently participating in your治疗治疗, such as individual, family and group counseling, can offer you time to explore and learn how to identify what emotions you are experiencing and how to best manage them when they begin to escalate.
Just like for anyone else, it can be helpful to talk with a support person when our emotions escalate or we are having a hard time processing our experiences. Being able to turn to a support person is courageous and can be helpful in our journey. Simply taking the time to slow down and talk through our experience can help us deescalate and find a sense of calm again.
You might experience times when your emotions feel too overwhelming or you don't feel comfortable turning to someone in that moment. A wonderful alternative is journaling. As with talking through an experience, writing in a journal helps us to slow down what is happening for us and allows us an opportunity to learn about our emotions and patterns of behavior.
这idea of self-care can be challenging for most of us. However, it can be even harder when you struggle with the symptoms of schizophrenia. Remembering to take time for your wellness and well-being is important. These could be simple things, such as:
- Enjoying coffee or tea
- 坐在外面
- Watching wildlife
- 在你的期刊上写作
- Exercising
- Spending time with friends
Practical Daily Living
Everyone needs help at times to keep up with the tasks of daily life. For example, most people have to use calendars or smartphones to help them remember appointments and keep track of the things they need to do. Some people rely on a spouse to pick out their clothes for them or to help them remember chores. There’s no right answer to how much help a person “should” need.
- 每天服用适当的时间
- 洗澡,洗头发,刷牙,修剪钉子
- 制作床,在需要时更换床单
- 准备健康的膳食和定期进食
- Cleaning your living space such as the kitchen and bathroom
- Grocery shopping and running errands
- 管理资金并坚持预算
- 使用公共交通
Symptoms of schizophrenia often build gradually so it can be difficult for people to recognize patterns until they become obvious. Talking with a doctor right away helps you better understand what is happening and allows you to start the treatment process sooner.
Don't Let Schizophrenia Define You
Schizophrenia involves experiencing some significant symptoms. However, it is important to remember that this condition, alone, is not all of who you are. Connection with family and friends are so important to remind us we are not alone and there is nothing to feel ashamed of.
Even when we notice patterns in our behavior that are concerning, it can be easy to want to try to keep them hidden from other and "fix" it on our own. Schizophrenia involves complex symptoms that can increase in intensity if not addressed through propertreatment methods。
Don't Skip Treatments or Appointments
When your symptoms start to decrease in intensity you might feel like it isn't necessary to go to your therapy appointments, group therapy sessions or your medication management appointments. Not attending treatment appointments consistently can have a negative impact on your overall success in this journey. It is important to be consistent.
For Caregivers
Educate Yourself
Caring for a loved one with schizophrenia can be challenging, but it doesn't have to feel impossible. The first step is to learn what you can about the condition. Many people find schizophrenia intimidating because there can be so many different symptoms experienced. Learning from mental health professionals and other resources can help you gain helpful information.