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  • 在线购物的人们在大流行期间飙升,这对我们的心理健康产生了混合影响。万博手机客户端
  • Shopping online helped ease anxiety by providing people a safe way to get supplies and restored a sense of control through retail therapy.
  • 但是,在线购买东西可以让它花费超越我们的手段。


And even though the drive to vaccinate people against COVID-19 is helping the country return to normal, the acceleration of online shopping is projected to continue. E-commerce retail sales are forecast to surpass $1 trillion by 2023—up from around $800 billion in 2020, based on data from eMarketer and Citi.

有趣的是,电子零售的崛起并不只是影响我们过去一年的银行账户余额 - 它对我们的兴趣也有一些令人惊讶的影响情绪健康。Here’s how online shopping has impacted our mental health—for better and for worse—during the pandemic.


购物成为人民的主要来源焦虑during the pandemic because it simply didn't feel safe to do so. Experiencing heightened concern about running into crowds and being exposed to the coronavirus at the supermarket, nearly a quarter of people were doing their grocery shopping online by May 2020, according to research from the International Food Information Council.

LeelaR.Magavi博士说,人们能够养活家人而不必亲自购物,这让很多人松了一口气Community Psychiatry在加利福尼亚州纽波特海滩。此外,它使商店更容易获得最低价格 - 为在大流行期间经历财务困难的人的压力救济。


对于新加坡的企业家卡罗琳•李(Caroline Lee)来说,网上购物也在流行性封锁和生活方式改变的情况下提供了一些安慰。

“Although I do miss shop hopping and trying stuff on before committing to a purchase, shopping online gives me a sense of normalcy and helps me reassure myself that everything is okay in the world, despite all the recent chaos,” she says.

Mixed Effects on Loneliness

Social isolation has been a source of concern throughout the pandemic, with some 36 percent of Americans (including 61 percent of young adults) reporting they felt “serious loneliness” in a survey in October 2020.

In some respects, shopping online may have contributed to feelings of寂寞。We don’t have opportunities to bump into neighbors in the cereal aisle or interact with a salesperson when we’re making purchases from home.

Bruce D. Sanders, PhD


- 布鲁斯D.桑德斯,博士

But some shopping from home—particularly in the case of TV shopping—may have actually provided a sense of socialization, says Bruce D. Sanders, PhD, consumer psychologist and author of “零售商的优势:使用购物者心理学提高利润万博maxbetx官网登陆.”

“As socially isolated people watch TV shows featuring hosts who seem like friends to them, they feel less lonely. When we watch a TV home shopping host interact with members of the audience, such as by taking calls on-air, and with guests and celebrities, it loosely resembles a social gathering,” he says, referring to research from 2011.“许多电视家庭购物的顾客说,他们尊重主人和客人,就像他们尊重实体店里值得信赖的顾问一样。”









Niyla Carson



“People of the world, especially Americans, are accustomed to being in control. It’s something we pride ourselves on as being masters and mistresses of our own destiny, and all of a sudden that was ripped from us,” says Sanders. “With the plethora of options available in online shopping, and with the ability to compare price-points and find the best deal, that offered the sense that we have control again.”



“Individuals with impulse control disorders who I evaluate in clinic have been spending concerning amounts of money during the pandemic,” says Dr. Magavi.

Generally speaking, most shoppers (both online and in-person) exercise self-control, even when enjoying some retail therapy, says Sanders. However, about6 percentof the U.S. population may have强迫性购买障碍,这会对他们的健康产生负面影响。

Leela R. Magavi, MD


- MD,Leela R. Magavi



总体而言,在线购物一直是大流行期间许多人为许多人的积极情感效益的重要方便。和研究表明,零售治疗可以恢复控制感并提供幸福的推动力,所以考虑这个an excuse to treat yourself to a special delivery (within budget, of course!).



Retail therapy has given people a source of joy and a restored sense of control amid the chaos of the public health crisis. However, it’s important to remember that online stores are designed to get you to make impulse purchases. If you’re spending beyond your means, you may want to take steps to avoid making impulse purchases.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process了解更多有关如何检查事实并保持内容准确、可靠和值得信赖的信息。
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  4. 让关爱成为共同的项目。美国寂寞:大流行如何深化孤独的流行以及我们可以做的事情。哈佛大学教育研究生院。2021年2月出版。

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