Stay-at-home orders meant many of our “go-to” coping skills were taken away. Fortunately, most of us were still able to access music. So here at Verywell Mind, we wanted to learn how many people relied on music to cope with the pandemic, and whether those people found that music did in fact help their mental health.
Music Improves Our Mental Health
Music can have对我们的身体和心理健康的影响深刻。研究人员发现它可以减轻疼痛,减少抑郁,减少焦虑。这就是为什么音乐疗法通常被用作治疗各种身体,情感,认知和社会问题的策略。
A whopping 97% of our survey respondents said that they use music as a tool to help their mental health.
Here are some of the things our readers gain from music:
- Relaxation- 许多读者表示音乐帮助他们停止思考令人不快的事情和放松他们的大脑和尸体。其中一个人说:“音乐把我带走了一天的压力。”
- 灵感/Spirituality– While many readers specifically listen to religious music, others feel that listening to any music is a spiritual experience for them. One person put it this way, “Music is felt in your soul. It's uplifting, comforting, inspiring.”
- 促进心情– Some people enjoy listening to songs that remind them of the best times in their lives. Others say that certain genres of music lift their spirits. One reader commented, “It hits a spot in my brain that makes me happier!”
- 处理/表达困难情绪的出口- Music helps some people deal with specific feelings, like anger. It helps others express how they feel without having to use words. Another respondent noted, “It helps me express and process my current feelings.”
We Relied on Music to Get Through the Pandemic
While readers had different reasons for turning to music, the vast majority of them said they used music to cheer themselves up. Other top reasons people listened to or created music includedfeeling less stressed,改变他们的情绪,让自己分散令人不快的想法和感受。
Music Helped Us Stay Connected While Social Distancing
One in five readers said they used music as a way to与他人联系在大流行期间。无论他们是否正在观看在线音乐会或共享关于他们发现的新艺术家的对话,音乐帮助人们感到不那么孤独。
As music festivals were canceled and bars that played music were forced to lock their doors, many people had to change the way they experienced music.
A Word of Caution About Music and Depression
Sometimes, an upbeat song can give you a much-needed boost when you’re feeling down. But there may be times you find yourself turning to a sad song when you’re already感觉郁闷。
Forty-three percent of readers who listen to music reported that more often than not, they’re using music to reinforce the mood they’re already in. And while this can be helpful when feeling good, music can also reinforce unpleasant feelings.
郁闷的人更容易听听抑郁症的音乐。研究表明一个人ruminates.- 这是对抑郁症的高度预测 - 可能被加剧抑郁症的音乐吸引。
清除ly, music has the ability to help us feel better—if we understand our moods and the type of music that can help us regulate our feelings. It was a coping skill that helped many people deal with the emotional turmoil of the pandemic.
该调查在线展示了1/21/21/27/21/21/21/21的Misswel万博手机官网l Mind Newsletter和社交媒体读者。总样品由1,031名美国成人收听音乐组成。
- GENDER:Woman 73% | Man 25% | Nonbinary or self-identify 0% | No answer 2%
- AGE:Gen Z 2%|千禧一代8%|GEN X 22%|潮一代58%|沉默的Gen 10%
- 地区:Midwest 22% | Northeast 26% | South 29% | West 23% | U.S. Territories 0%
- 种族/民族(multi select):White 73% | Black or African American 9% | Hispanic/Latino or Latinx 6% | Asian 3% | Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0% | American Indian/Alaska Native 1% | Middle Eastern/ North African 1% | Another background 3% | No Answer 6%