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When you are having fun, you are positively impacting your health.

创造力Improves Your Mental Health




沃尔特芦苇国家军事医疗中心为具有PTSD的士兵艺术治疗计划。退伍军人经常发现口头难以表达他们的创伤。但艺术治疗经理Tammy Spella,博士,ATR-BC说,“通过艺术治疗,患者可以传达他们在内部的真正感受,并揭示了他们不舒服与世界分享的事情。”

创造力Puts You in a Flow State



心理学家Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,其中一个积极心理学的联合国,称这个“流动状态”。万博maxbetx官网登陆在此期间,您将专注于对任务或活动的最佳关注。它有时被称为存在在区域

This is an excellent and often euphoric state to be in. In this state, we are more mindful and relaxed. This allows us to feel more positive and brings a sense of accomplishment.




Although we might not be artists or innovators by profession, that doesn’t mean we can’t tap into ways to expand our creativity. We all have the ability to express ourselves and come up with alternate ways of looking at things.

在童年时代期间没有Excel的美国那些没有Excel的好消息是,在艺术过程中发生的有益效果 - 它不是基于最终产品的。

Laurel Heally,LCSW说:“参与创造性的过程,如唱歌,舞蹈,绘画或绘画,具有全身益处。当我们专注于挑战和/或娱乐的东西时,我们制作新的神经病程,增加了大脑的连接。增加的连通性,特别是在大脑的左前额叶皮质中,使我们更具情感上的弹性,这种方式类似于我们冥想时发生的方式。多巴胺的释放带来了增强的福祉感以及改善的动机。


Megan Carleton是一位心万博手机客户端理健康顾问和艺术治疗师,与阿尔茨海默氏病患者和群众癌症中心的其他疾病的患者合作过。在最近的哈佛妇女健康观察时事通讯中,她谈到了艺术的治疗力。


Artistic activities have been linked to improving memory and resilience in older adults, even helping seniors with dementia reconnect with the world. Actively making art rather than simply appreciating art has also been shown to stave off cognitive decline.



Singing raises oxytocin levels in both amateur and professional singers. If you’re not enamored with singing, do you like to just listen to music? Simply listening to music releases oxytocin. Music directly impacts oxytocin levels and oxytocin affects our ability to trust and socially connect to others.




令人惊讶的研究是本efit wasn’t due to physical exercise alone. Compared to other forms of exercise, dancing was the only exercise that made a difference.

While playing or storytelling might seem in the moment, there are psychological and developmental benefits that accrue and are long lasting.

詹妮弗A. Perry,佩里副副总裁在芝麻研讨会和Perry教育项目咨询的执行主任,指向游戏和创造性追求的长期福利。

She says, "By exploring imagination and creativity through art, storytelling, interactive games, music, and all kinds of play, children learn lifelong skills. Some of these skills include: how to express themselves, communicate with others, problem solve, develop self-confidence, appreciate diverse ideas and cultures, and find things that make them feel fulfilled and happy."

玩不仅仅是孩子的东西。它对成年人也有益。国家娱乐会研究所强调了比赛所存在的研究:“巨大的现有科学研究 - 从神经生理学,发育和认知心理学,动物游戏行为以及进化和分子生物学 - 含有丰富的游戏数据。万博maxbetx官网登陆现有的研究描述了戏剧的模式和州,并解释了我们的大脑的塑造方式,创造了我们的能力,并镇流器镇流了我们的​​情绪。“


Spend Time in Nature



Nature in this study provided emotionally positive stimuli. By reducing the usage of phones and computers, those in the study weren’t switching tasks or multi-tasking, attending to sudden events, maintaining task goals or inhibiting irrelevant actions. Therefore, spending quality time in nature improved their creativity test scores.

So, when you are stumped by problems, move away from the computer. It helps to think creatively about solutions and alternative options while walking in the garden or hiking in the park.

A Word From Verywell

During the pandemic, while many people work from home, routines have been disrupted. The everydayness of our daily lives might make everything seem flat or mundane.


创造力inspires novel thinking and ideas. So, step away from your routine, indulge yourself in playful and fun activities. Creating art, singing, dancing and playing will not only make you feel good, it will renew and revitalize you.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
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  3. 哈佛妇女的健康观察。艺术的愈合力。Published July 2017.

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  6. The National Institute For Play.Science and Human Play

  7. Atchley Ra,Strayer DL,Atchley P.创造力in the wild: improving creative reasoning through immersion in natural settingsPLoS One。2012; 7(12):E51474。DOI:10.1371 / journal.pone.0051474