Why I Launched a Mental Health Podcast From My Sailboat in the Florida Keys

Amy Morin and Nick Valentin record The Verywell Mind Podcast from a sailboat in the Florida Keys


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I thought about starting a podcast for a long time. But there never seemed to be enough hours in the day. Between traveling, speaking engagements, and writing, my schedule was already full.

Then, the pandemic hit. All of my speaking engagements were either postponed or transformed into virtual events, and my schedule opened up a lot.

在同一时间,我开始收到正在努力管理心理健康的人的电子邮件。万博手机客户端大多数人都有感觉lonely,anxious, ordepressed.



But rather than rent a studio to host the show, I decided to create a floating podcast studio right from my own sailboat in Florida—which is where非常介意万博手机官网播客今天仍然录制。



I’ve lived on a boat in the Florida Keys for about five years now. My husband dreamed of living on a sailboat since he was four years old. I, on the other hand, knew nothing about sailing or living on a boat. But I do like a good adventure.

We moved from Maine to South Florida thinking boat life might be temporary. But, after a few months, I fell in love with the “liveaboard” lifestyle.

As a podcast host, author, and theEditor-in-Chief of Verywell Mind, I’m fortunate to work from home. And I don’t need much to make me productive and keep me happy aside from a comfortable couch and a laptop. So for the most part, living and working from a boat is easy.



And podcast equipment (like microphones and mic stands) takes up a fair amount of real estate. But since I knew much of my time would be devoted to my new podcast venture, I thought why not turn the living room (or “the salon” as boaters would say) into a podcast studio?




他为Marc Anthony,Pharrell Williams和Sean Combs等超级克斯塔斯特录制了音乐(你可能知道的屁股爸爸,P迪迪或迪迪),当他同意生产展会时,我很激动。

Sailboats Present Other Unexpected Challenges

We quickly problem-solved many of the initial challenges posed by our floating podcast studio. But there have been some unexpected challenges along the way that have kept things, well, interesting.

  • 章鱼突破了空调:快速检查机房看起来像一个糟糕的科幻电影中的场景。当我们从管道上取出盖子以检查空调的供水,一条臂向我们伸出。事实证明,过滤器粘在章鱼里有一个章鱼!
  • The time weinterviewed Dan Harrisduring a tropical storm:不仅暴风雨响亮,而且在视频面试期间,船只在字面上摇摆。在演出结束时,丹问道,“你在船上吗?”他不得不问的事实给了我一些希望动荡的风暴不是太明显。最终,尼克,音频工程师天才,通过并制作了面试声音原始。
  • The months when South Florida heat gets the best of us: It was really problematic during the summer, so we turned off the air conditioner for the sake of sound quality. But the room temperature limits our recording time since it becomes a race to see what overheats first—the humans or the tech equipment. We learned a lasagna pan filled with ice under the laptop fans works best to keep our computers cool (in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation).

The Future of the Show

播客是很多工作,但它也很有趣。我和惊人的人交谈!其中一些,就像麦凯乐丹妮卡Darryl Strawberry,是我童年的英雄!

And all of my guests share inspirational stories, personal struggles, and strategies for staying mentally strong during tough times.


So our plan is to continue creating content that will reach listeners who want to learn more about mental health and how to build mental strength. And we’ll keep recording most of our episodes right from our floating podcast studio in the sea!


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