
Andrea Bonior is the mentally strong person of the week.

Verywell / Julie Bang

Every Monday on非常介意万博手机官网播客, Editor-in-Chief Amy Morin, LCSW, interviews authors, experts, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians, and other inspirational people about the strategies that help them think, feel, and do their best in life.

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Andrea Bonior是一名临床心理学家,大学教授和畅销作者。她还为每周写一栏The Washington Postcalled “Baggage Check.”

她是作者排毒你的想法, a book filled with helpful, actionable tips for dealing with unhelpful ways of thinking.

Andrea is very adept at taking complex scientific principles and breaking them down into helpful tips. She offers helpful strategies for dealing with anxious, negative, and unhelpful thoughts as well as the habits that stem from them.

Andrea Bonior

The data really shows us that depression and anxiety are not caused by the presence of negative thoughts. They're caused by those thoughts becoming sticky because we give them power.

— Andrea Bonior


Create an Environment That Makes it Easier to Succeed

Andrea makes it clear that if you want to change your behavior, you can’t depend onwillpower. Instead, you’ll increase your chances of success by changing your environment. Create a setting that makes it easier to engage in healthier habits.

Andrea Bonior

We have to have our environment adapted to what we want to actually do. We have to create a system that works.

— Andrea Bonior


Eliminating the temptations and surrounding yourself with things that make your good habits easier to accomplish make a huge difference in your chances of success. It’s a common strategy that we start with in therapy when people want to change their lives.

Whether it means only keeping healthy food in the house or surrounding yourself with positive, healthy people, your environment matters—regardless of how mentally strong you are.

Randomize the Timing of an Unhealthy Habit You Want to Quit

Andrea said that if you want to cut down on a bad habit (like smoking), you shouldn’t wait until you’re really stressed out to smoke. Otherwise, your brain will continue to link smoking with stress, and you’ll struggle to quit.


"A lot of us don't realize over the course of the day how we've learned to use these habits that manage uncomfortable feelings because we run from theuncomfortable feeling," says Bonior.



我怀疑它可以用很多不健康的习惯,你可能会转向stress relief- 介绍无意义的社交媒体滚动。

Write Down Your Thoughts

Andrea recommends that people write down their thoughts as a way to give those无益的想法少的力量。这可以帮助人们认识到当they are experiencing a “depressed voice” or an “anxious voice.” These types of thoughts aren’t likely to be true.

Andrea Bonior

People who suffer from depression really need to learn to recognize that depressed voice. We know... that depressed voice is just not an accurate representation of how things are.

— Andrea Bonior



看到这些关于纸张的想法可以帮助您更合理地思考它们。一旦你把它们写下来,你可能会认识到他们是多么不熟练和不真实。学习如何更现实地思考 - 以及如何调整并没有有用的思想 - 是建立精神力量的强大方法。


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