Matthew Tull, PhD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety Disorders教育
University of Massachusetts, Boston, University of Maryland, College ParkHighlights
- Professor of psychology at the University of Toledo in Ohio
- 广泛的临床和研究经验,焦虑症
- Recipient of grant funding from theNational Institute of Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health
Matthew Tull博士是一位前写作PTSD的前写作者。万博手机官网他对焦虑症(特别是PTSD)和物质使用问题进行了研究。他在这些领域发表了广泛的出版,是授予资金的收件人国家药物滥用研究所国家卫生研究院。
Dr. Tull is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo in Ohio. Dr. Tull has conducted many studies examining how the ways in which we manage our emotions influence the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders, such as PTSD. His current research is focused on identifying and better understanding factors underlying substance abuse among individuals with PTSD.
Dr. Tull obtained his PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Massachusetts Boston following completion of his internship at the Boston Consortium in Clinical Psychology. He completed rotations at the Outpatient Clinic, Substance Abuse Residential Treatment Program, and the National Center for PTSD - Behavioral Sciences Division at the Boston Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. Following this internship, Dr. Tull completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Maryland, College Park.
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Which Racial Groups Are Most at Risk of Developing PTSD?
How a Diagnosis of Complex PTSD Differs From PTSD
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How People With PTSD Can Express Anger Constructively
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Why People With PTSD Use Emotional Avoidance to Cope
How to Identify Triggers for PTSD Flashbacks and Minimize Attacks
PTSD.: Coping, Support, and Living Well
PTSD.: Symptoms and Diagnosis
Understanding PTSD in Children
Is There a Cure for PTSD?
Managing Emotions When You Have PTSD
How to Identify and Manage PTSD Symptoms After a Shooting
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Why People With PTSD Experience Trauma-Related Guilt
Managing Catastrophic Thinking in PTSD
The Benefits of PTSD Group Therapy
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