Psychodynamic Therapy in the Treatment of PTSD

A man, sitting in a chair, talking to his psychiatrist
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A number of treatments, includingcognitive-behavioraland psychodynamic therapy, have been developed to help people recover from the effects ofpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

If you're seeking treatment for PTSD symptoms, it's important to understand the difference between the two forms of therapy. Get the facts on both with this review.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapies for PTSD are based on the idea that problems arise as a result of the way people interpret or evaluate situations, thoughts, and feelings, as well as the problematic ways these evaluations cause people to act (for example, through avoidance).

创伤后应激障碍的认知行为疗法有暴露疗法,应激接种训练认知加工疗法,behavioral activation接受和承诺疗法。


Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


Unlike cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy places a large emphasis on theunconscious mind在那里,令人不安的感觉、冲动和想法,对我们来说太痛苦了,无法直视。尽管这些痛苦的感觉、冲动和想法超出了我们的意识范围,但它们仍然影响着我们的行为。


How Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Works


For example, over several sessions, a psychodynamic therapist may notice that a patient is denying the extent to which a traumatic event has impacted her life.否认是一种常见的防御机制,可以用来保护人们免受他们无法应付的事情的伤害。

Likewise, a therapist may notice that a patient is expressing anger and putting blame on family members even though they haven't done anything to deserve it. In this case, the therapist may interpret this behavior as a sign that the patient is actually upset with and blaming herself for the traumatic event. Since this anger and guilt is too difficult to cope with, it is expressed toward others. This defense mechanism is referred to as "displacement."

In both of these cases, the therapist would interpret the patient's behavior and share this interpretation with the patient.


Studies on Effectiveness of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


例如,心理动力学治疗的研究PTSD have shown that after therapy, people report improvement in their interpersonal relationships, fewer feelings of hostility and inadequacy, more confidence and assertiveness and reductions in PTSD symptoms and depression.


这个问题的答案是基于你r personal preference. Both cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy can have benefits for someone with PTSD. Cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapists, however, take different approaches to the treatment of PTSD, and some people may prefer one approach to the other.

治疗is going to be the most effective if you buy into the approach and have a good relationship with your therapist. So it is important to shop around and find the best fit for you. You can find PTSD treatment providers in your area throughUCompare医疗保健as well as the美国焦虑症协会.

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Article Sources
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