诊断标准post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) are somewhat different than the criteria in the fourth edition. Here are the symptom criteria in the DSM-5.
You were exposed to one or more event(s) that involved death or threatened death, actual or threatened serious injury, or threatened sexual violation. In addition, these events were experienced in one or more of the following ways:
- Directly experiencing the event
- 目睹了别人发生的事件
- 你了解了一个近亲或朋友经历了实际或威胁的暴力或意外死亡的事件
- 经历反复接触痛苦details of an event, such as a police officer repeatedly hearing details about child sexual abuse
- 创伤事件的意外或预期的再次性,不自主和侵扰性扰乱记忆
- Repeated upsetting dreams where the content of the dreams is related to the traumatic event
- 某种类型的离解的经验(eXample, flashbacks) where you feel as though the traumatic event is happening again
- Strong and persistent distress upon exposure to cues that are either inside or outside of your body that is connected to your traumatic event
- 暴露于创伤事件提醒时,强大的身体反应(例如,心率增加)
频繁避免of reminders associated with the traumatic event, as demonstrated by one of the following:
- Avoidance of thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that bring up memories of the traumatic event
- 避免带来创伤事件记忆的人,地方,谈话,活动,对象或情况
至少有两个以下内容negative changes in thoughts在创伤事件经验之后发生或恶化的情绪:
- 无法记住创伤事件的一个重要方面
- 关于您自己,其他人或世界的持续和提高的负面评估(例如,“我不可用,”或“世界是一个邪恶的地方”)
- 关于创伤事件的原因或其他人的自责或责任
- 普遍存在的负面情绪状态(例如,羞耻,愤怒或恐惧)
- Loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoy
- Feeling detached from others
- Persistent inability to experience positive emotions (for example, happiness, love, joy)
至少有两个以下内容changes in arousal在创伤事件的经验之后开始或恶化:
- Difficulty concentrating
- 在每个角落(或超凡斗争)周围潜伏着“守卫”感觉不断“守卫”
- 提高了惊吓响应
- 冲动或自我破坏性的行为
- 烦躁或侵略性的行为
- Problems sleeping
The above symptoms last for more than one month.
The symptoms are not due to a medical condition or some form of substance use.
- 标准A.
- One symptom (or more) from Criterion B
- One symptom (or more) from Criterion C
- Two symptoms (or more) from Criterion D
- Two symptoms (or more) from Criterion E
- Criteria F through H
Changes in DSM-5
The biggest change in the DSM-5 is removing PTSD from the category of anxiety disorders and putting it in a classification called "Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders."
其他key changes include:
- 更清楚地定义了在标准中被认为是什么样的事件
- 在标准中添加不同类型的曝光
- Increasing the number of symptom groups from three to four by separating avoidance symptoms into their own group (Criterion C)
- 改变一些症状的措辞
- Adding anew set of criteria for children6岁或以下
- 消除“急性”和“慢性”阶段
- Introducing a new specifier called "dissociative features"
You can review the rationale behind these changes, as well as look at other changes in the DSM-5, at the website for theAmerican Psychiatric Association(APA)。