Stress Relief Techniques: Find The Right Fit For The Stress You Face
“我试过________减轻压力,但它对我不起作用。”作为帮助人们管理压力的人,当他们这样说法时,我不答对人,但我有时会质疑所用技术的技术时的情况。我经常听说人们说某些人压力浮雕技术don’t work for them, and others work quite well, but often the techniques that don’t seem to work for a particular person are ineffective for one of two reasons: either they are a poor match for the person’s personality, or for thesituation. For example,呼吸练习可以有效地缓解压力,但可能不是一种强大的足够技术sole coping strategy对于那些经历的人照顾者压力,慢性工作压力, or anther type of chronically-occurring stress. Meditation carries amazing benefits overall, but it can be a difficult fit for certain people in some situations, such as perfectionists who feel overwhelmed and want to simply relax quickly on their own without learning a new practice. (Meditation can be easily learned, but sometimes there are easier routes to stress relief when someone already feels overwhelmed.)
There are so many different ways to relieve stress that sometimes finding the right technique for your personality and situation may seem overwhelming. Whether you have a few techniques that work for you and are just looking to add one or two, or need to overhaul your way of dealing with stress and create a whole new system, the following list can help.These stress relief techniques
急性应力是应力的应力,瞬间投掷余地。This is the type of stress that comes on quickly and often unexpectedly and doesn’t last too long, but requires a response and shakes you up a bit, like an argument with someone in your life, or an exam for which you don’t feel adequately prepared.
如果在急性压力发作后无法让自己平息,你可以长期强调,这可以带来许多负面后果。学会快速放松,你的压力将更容易播放。These stress relievers可以帮助您放松,更快地从急性压力恢复。
Chronic stress是倾向于定期发生的压力类型。这种压力可能会让您感到烦恼,如果它没有有效管理,可能会导致倦怠。这是因为,什么时候the stress response长期触发,身体不会在下一波压力点击之前带回放松状态,身体无限期地保持触发。这可能导致众多与压力相关的健康问题,包括心血管疾病,胃肠问题,焦虑,抑郁和许多其他条件。(这是一个与压力相关的健康问题列表。)这就是为什么有效地管理慢性压力很重要。Managing this typeof stress often requires a combination approach,with some short-term stress relievers(like those for acute stress), and somelong-term stress relief habitsthat relieve整体压力. (Different emotion-focused coping techniques和统一的解决方案应对技术are important as well.) The following long-term habits can help you to better managegeneral stressthat you may feel来自慢性压力源in your life.
更多:Quiz: Might Your Stress Levels Be Putting Your Health At Risk?
The pain of emotional stress can hit harder than some other types of stress. For example, the stress that comesfrom a conflicted relationship往往会带来更大的生理反应和年代tronger sense of distress than the stress that comes from being busy at work. Anxiety, rumination, anger, and other strong emotional responses to stress can all take their toll, and contribute to greater levels of stress if you're not aware of how to minimize the downward spiral and get yourself on a stronger emotional footing. Therefore, it is important to be able to manage emotional stress in effective ways. Strategies that help you to process, diffuse, and build resilience toward emotional stress can all work well, and different approaches can work in different situations. Here are some ways to manage情绪压力.
Burnout is the result of the prolonged chronic stress of situations that leave people feeling a lack of control in their lives. Certain conditions of a job can create a greater risk of burnout, including not only a high level of demands, but also unclear expectations, lack of recognition for achievements, and a high level of risk of negative consequences when mistakes are made. (Does your job put you营业倦怠的风险? Take工作倦怠测验to find out!) Once you reacha state of burnout, it is difficult to maintain motivation to work and accomplish what you need to accomplish, and you can feel chronically overwhelmed. In addition to the strategies that work well for chronic stress and emotional stress, the following strategies can help you to come back from a state of burnout—or prevent it entirely.