在你的脑海里,清除你的日程安排并想象它空的杂乱。然后只返回对您的生存至关重要的事情 - 例如,您的工作和睡眠。然后以重要的顺序将其他东西恢复到您的日程安排中,添加了重要的新事物(如时间行使),并留下消耗你或强调你的东西,就像你宁愿不保守的义务一样。
(Note: Some more popular pieces of "schedule clutter" include mediocre television shows, time spent with people who drain you, time spent doing tasks that could be streamlined.)
Remember the Trade-Offs
Usually, when we’re presented with requests on our time, we think about whether we can fit this new activity into our already-packed schedule, and whether or not it’s worth it. This often leads to an even more packed schedule. When deciding what to say yes and no to, we find it extremely helpful to remember that every ‘no’ is a ‘yes’ to something else, and vice versa.
Delegate Like a Pro
Good managers know the value of delegating responsibility by pairing people with jobs that they can do well, adding some encouragement, and letting go. Many women, however, get caught up in the, "If I want it done right, I’ll have to do it myself," trap and find themselves doing一切。不要忘记办公室中的其他人可能能够处理(或帮助)您正在做的一些项目,并且可能实际上wantto do so.
Children may be far more capable of doing housework than you are giving them credit for, and may get a sense of pride in being able to do such jobs if encouraged properly.
甚至招聘帮助 - 管家,园丁,个人助理等 - 算是代表团,并且可以非常有帮助,值得现金。下次你觉得你做得太多,环顾四周,看看你是否可以找到一些帮助。
Sometimes things need to be done with precision and perfection, but more often, they don’t. Although the Martha Stewart types may be quick to point out how special things are when you go the extra mile, and how attention to detail makes all the difference, this type of thinking can also lead to perfectionism, stress, and a lack of balance. If you find yourself already too busy, you may really benefit from giving yourself a break. Take shortcuts, if the end result is still adequate. (Will your guests really care if you used a traditional mop on the floor, or quickly went over it with a Swiffer? Won’t store-bought cupcakes still taste as great for the office party or class picnic?)
Live by the 80-20 rule, where you identify the 20% of work that yields 80% of the results, and focus mainly on what’s important, letting the rest slip if necessary. Remember, sometimes focusing on perfection isn’t as important as focusing on speed, especially when you’re looking for balance in your schedule.
Live in the Now, but Keep the Future in Mind
Do you have a plan for the future? Most businesses have a one-year plan, a 5-year plan, and a 10-year plan, and plan their daily activities with these goals somewhere in mind. This can be helpful for women, too.
例如,当选择是否锻炼watch television, thinking about the long-term benefits that would come from each makes it much easier to skip a moderately entertaining show in favor of getting moving. Both activities can relieve stress, but one contributes to an overall plan for better health, while the other doesn’t. See where you can apply this analogy to your own decisions and find more balance in your life.
Consult Your Inner Child
Remember when you were a child, and you imagined what your life would be like when you were grown up? You probably only imagined yourself doing exciting things, not some of the minutia you probably get bogged down by right now. Although it’s unrealistic to be only doing things that are fun (sometimes we need to take a break from skydiving and going to parties to do a few loads of dishes and pack lunches for the next day), it can be helpful to remember to try to keep fun things in your life and stressful things out of it.