How many times have you thought about something you'd like to do and, before you even fully examine the idea of adding such an activity to your life, reminded yourself that you don't have time for it? Many of us spend so much time doing what we feel we must do, that we don't have enough time for what we would love to do. The feeling of not having enough freedom to pursue quality time with our families,revitalizing solitary activities或者其他培养我们可以让我们感到压力和不快乐的东西。
The ability to find time in a busy schedule is important for a few reasons. Not only are there emergencies that arise that demand time, having enough time for leisure activities, time alone, and simple do-nothing time is vital for maintaining balance. People, particularly introverts, need time to rest and regroup, and the amount of necessary downtime increases during times of stress. In other words, the more stressed you are, the more you need that downtime.
If you would like to increase your level of幸福and life satisfaction this year, one of the best changes you can make is to find more time in your schedule for a life that reflects what you'd really like to be doing. These steps can help.
De-Clutter Your Schedule
认真看at how you spend your days, and see what can be cut. Are you watching several hours of T.V. per day? Could you be more efficient at work? Are there things on your时间表that could be dropped without serious ramifications?
This can be a bit tricky because you may need to have some of that extra time just to decompress, so you don't want to force yourself to be operating at full capacity 24 hours a day when you may need to relax with a rerun now and then. However, if you are spending time on social media out of habit rather than out of a need for a break, or are wasting time in ways that you don't actually enjoy without realizing it, here is a prime area where awareness and a change in habits can yield you some extra time that can be used in better ways.
Carving out a little time here and there can add up to a greater feeling of personal freedom to do what you'd really enjoy.
Are there responsibilities that you have at home or at work that could be delegated to assistants, family members, or others? Re-assigning cleaning responsibilities to children, for example, can free up time normally spend on housework and foster a sense of responsibility in your kids at the same time. Hiring help with tasks that really drain you can often leave you with enough extra time and energy that it's more than worth the expenditure. And sometimes allowing someone else to take over a task can bring added benefits: they may find that they're better at it than they thought they would be (or than you thought they would be), they may enjoy the feeling of helping out, or at the very least, it could bring a sense of teamwork.
Learn to Say "No" With Minimal Stress
说不may bring some fallout, but it's often worth it.说不与实践变得更加容易,当你知道如何说不,没有邀请不必要的审查或引发艰难的感情,它变得更加容易。练习变得更容易。尝试这些提示说不,你可以为自己找到更多的时间。
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