然而,即使是那些不能被淘汰的重量工作要求的人也可以保持舒适的工作生活平衡 - 这是一个持续的努力。忙于工作,生活仍然可以包括保持平衡。
了解什么工作 - 生活平衡意味着什么
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When we have too many obligations that require energy, time, and other internal resources, we can approach burnout. But when we live a life geared toward avoiding all such obligations when possible, we risk having a life devoid of meaning and satisfaction.
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
When people think of work-life balance, leisure time is often the first thing that comes to mind, as it should. There is the research behind the idea that leisure time promotes stress management and stress management activities can increase productivity and resource-building, so it's important to make time to do things we find enjoyable and relaxing.
John Lamb / Getty Images
Multitaskingwas once seen as the magic ticket to time management: a great way to virtually double one's available time. Then it became known that we are actually less efficient when trying to do two things at once and would be often better off单任务both activities than trying to combine two things at once, particularly when both demand a high degree of attention.
Multitasking may not be something that works all the time, but it shouldn't be discounted entirely, either; it just takes a little thought to plan it into your schedule.
Look at Your Priorities
One of the more important ways you can maintain work-life balance is to cut out unnecessary obligations. Chances are, you don't have anything in your life that doesn't seem entirely necessary at this point, and that's understandable. However, in thinking about what youcould如果您需要,请删除,考虑以下内容有助于:
- 检查你的优先事项。他们是否与核心目标相连?他们对你生活中最重要的方面是至关重要的吗?
- 你对承诺的感受是什么:哪些是哪些能力,并喂食它?
- What would happen if you cancel a given commitment: what's the cost-benefit analysis? Is it worth the time it takes from other potentially important activities in your life, including exercise, time spent with family and friends, and leisure activities you wish you could enjoy?
JGI / Jamie Grill / Getty Images
委派任务是对他人的一些和非常不舒服的东西,所以对于其中一些可以从中受益的人来说,这是一个有些不使用的策略。委派任务 - 要求其他人接受一些工作负载 - 可以采取多种形式。
Can you offer trades with anyone, where you handle some of their workloads that you enjoy more, and they handle some of yours? Can you hire it out? Are there people who would be willing to pitch in if you asked them? Think about what tasks in your life need doing, and which could be done by someone other than you.
Plug Your Energy Drains
生活教练帮助他们的客户陷入更精简,功能状态,以及他们这样做的更重要的方式之一是帮助客户识别和管理他们的tolerations- 为生活中的东西耗尽我们的能量。您的耐受性或能源排水管可能会采取困难的人的形式,您必须处理(但可以避免,如果您尝试过),凌乱的房间(在您失去某些东西时吸取您的时间,但可以在下午清理),或者在您的可用能量下剪切的许多其他事情。
如果您的生活中有几个宽容,您可能需要一两天或两次identify themand消除它们. Once they've been minimized, you'll have more energy for other things, and more balance in your life.
Introduce Gratifications
Taking on new activities can fill up your schedule, but it can also fill you with life satisfaction. Gratifications are such activities; they take some time and energy but leave us feeling happier and less stressed.
Gratifications are pastimes that utilize our strengths and creativity in just the right way, leaving us fulfilled and making the time fly by. As your stress levels are minimized and your sense of fulfillment is maximized, you'll be glad you did.