为什么Eustress Can Be Your Friend

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Not all stress is the same. Some of the stress that we face in life can be more detrimental to our well-being, and some types of stress can actually be healthy for us. For example,chronic stress—the type of stress that seems to be constant and psychologically or emotionally draining—is the most harmful to our health and wellbeing.这种慢性应力可以触发应力响应并保持长时间触发,让我们疲惫不堪,靠近倦怠。

为什么Eustress Is Good Stress

Eustress, on the other hand, can be beneficial and is actually necessary for our overall wellbeing. This is the type of "positive" stress that keeps us vital and excited about life.

The excitement of a roller-coaster ride, a scary movie, or a fun challenge are all examples of eustress. The anticipation of a first date, the first day at a new job, or other exciting firsts also fall under the umbrella of eustress.

Eustress is a type of stress that is actually important for us to have in our lives. Without it, we would become bored at best and, in more serious cases, depressed. We would begin to feel a lack of motivation to accomplish goals and a lack of meaning in life without enough eustress. Notstriving for goals, not overcoming challenges, not having a reason to wake up in the morning would be damaging to us, so eustress is considered 'good' stress. It keeps us healthy and happy.

Identifying Differences Between Stressors


另一方面,挑战可能是令人兴奋的,甚至令人愉快地克服。威胁是可怕的,而挑战是证明自己的机会,并了解我们在真正尝试时能够实现多少。这种理解提醒我们,我们可以看到许多人stressorsin our lives as challenges rather than threats merely by changing how we talk to ourselves about the challenges and by focusing on the resources we have to handle these challenges rather than focusing on what may go wrong and how damaging that would be.


When we work on shifting our focus and approaching stress as a challenge whenever possible, we can manage these challenges more easily and have more vital energy to handle these stressors, without a feeling of being overwhelmed or unhappy. Trying to approach various stressors in life as we'd approach eustress enables us to manage that stress more easily.


Being Mindful of Your Limitations

Changing one's perspective can certainly help with stress management, but it's not the only strategy that should be used. If you have too many challenges in your life, even eustress can become chronic stress and lead to burnout or worse.

It's important to be mindful of where your limitations are and to work to maintain balance in your life. This can mean cutting out any unnecessary obligations (particularly ones that you don't enjoy), adopting some resilience-promoting habits that can help you to be less reactive to stress overall, and become comfortable with saying no to new activities if they won't truly serve you. This takes practice but it can make all the difference in your stress levels.

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