Claudia Chaves, MD
Neurology, Cerebrovascular DiseaseEducation
Uberlandia Medical School, Harvard Medical SchoolHighlights
- Associate professor of neurology atTufts Medical School
- Staff member at theLahey Clinic Medical Centerin Burlington, MA
- Medical director of the Lahey Clinic Multiple Sclerosis Center in Lexington, MA
- Co-director of neurology research for the Lahey Clinic
- Board-certified in cerebrovascular disease and neurology, with additional subspecialty certification in vascular neurology
I’m thrilled to contribute to Verywell's mission of bringing current and accurate information to the public regarding different neurologic topics. The neurological sciences are fields that are in constant evolution, and I look forward to helping in the process of making these recent advances available to everyone.
She has written multiple peer reviewed papers and is involved in numerous research studies with a focus on stroke, multiple sclerosis, and other demyelinating disorders. Dr. Chaves is an editor for the textbook,“Netter’s Neurology.”She has been involved in the teaching of medical students and neurology residents for almost two decades.
Chaves received her medical degree at the Uberlandia Medical School in Brazil. She did her residency in neurology at New England Medical Center, Boston. She completed a research fellowship at New England Medical Center and a clinical fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, both in cerebrovascular disease. In addition, she did subspecialty training in multiple sclerosis at the Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. She is also a graduate of the Global Clinical Scholar Research Training Program through Harvard Medical School.
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