Work-life balance is the ideal state of having adequate income, accomplishment, and fulfillment through work while maintaining an equal level of satisfaction through non-work social and recreational pursuits.
工作狂,或者交易就业或失业,两人都干扰了工作生活平衡。最常见的是,关注工作生活平衡的人是劳动的人,他们想要更多时间relationships and family, but find that work has taken over.
Most of the people struggling to achieve a good work-life balance are not addicted to work, but are hard working, ambitious adults, or parents struggling to make ends meet financially. Having put most of their energy into establishing a career—which is much more difficult than it was forty years ago—it becomes hard to let go and unwind at the weekend or during the holidays. And for some, issues likeFacebook成瘾, smartphone addiction, andinternet addictioncan make it harder still to focus on relaxation, time with partners and children, and pursuits that you can't put on your resume.
A good work-life balance means knowing how to relax and switch off from work, and actually doing this.
Part of work-life balance is feeling good about doing this, having absolutely no sense of guilt or obligation about working or not working, and recognizing the benefits of a happy and fulfilling personal life to your success and happiness at work.
最后,不要让自己奴役你的雇主。工作时间上班的时间,而且没有更多。带你的假期,做一些乐趣。你生病的病时期。这些是争夺的权利,以便工人可以有一个体面的生活质量 - 对你的前任尊重并欣赏他们的努力。
如果您尝试这些策略并发现您无法阻止自己工作,可能是时候了寻求专业帮助。A psychologist or counselor can help you to understand why you feel the need to work so hard and can help you listen to and empathize with your partner. Approaches such asCBT能帮忙。如果您需要推荐或在互联网上寻找治疗师,请与您的医生交谈。您的国家心理协会可以为您提供有关您所在地区的合格服务提供商的信息。