

如果你想知道你是一个完美主义者,至少有一个很好的机会,至少是一定程度。如果我们在这里诚实,那么由于“完美”一词 - 谁不想成为完美的态度,你还有一些对自己的身份投资成为一个完美主义者的身份?

It's important to educate yourself about what constitutes perfectionism and why it's seen as a negative thing. You can decide how much you want to work at shrugging off these traits and learn strategies to accomplish your goal.

traits of perfectionism
粗糙/ Brianna gilmartin


完美主义的问题 - 你想知道你是否拥有任何完善的特征 - 是完美主义者实际倾向于实现较少的and stress更多的比普通高成就者。


Perfectionists are a lot like高成就者,但有一些关键差异。以下是完美主义者的十个特征,您可以在您自己或您所知的人身上发现。这些声音熟悉吗?


Perfectionists, like high achievers, tend to set high goals and work hard toward them. However, a high achiever can be satisfied with doing a great job and achieving excellence (or something close), even if their very high goals aren’t completely met. Perfectionists will accept nothing less than perfection. "Almost perfect" is seen as failure.



Pushed by Fear

高成就者往往是pulled朝着自己的目标和渴望交流hieve them. They are happy with any steps made in the right direction. Perfectionists, on the other hand, tend to bepushed恐惧地走向他们的目标not到达它们并看到任何少于一个完全符合的目标作为失败。

Unrealistic Standards



Focussed on Results

High achievers can enjoy the process of chasing a goal as much or more than the actual reaching of the goal itself. Conversely, perfectionists see the goal and nothing else. They’re so concerned about meeting the goal and avoiding the dreaded failure that they can’t enjoy the process of growing and striving.


Perfectionists are much less happy and easygoing than high achievers. While high achievers are able to bounce back fairly easily from disappointment, perfectionists tend to beat themselves up much more and wallow in negative feelings when their high expectations go unmet.


Perfectionists are also much更害怕失败than are high achievers. Because they place so much stock in results and become so disappointed by anything less than perfection, failure becomes a very scary prospect. And, since anything less than perfection is seen as failure, perfectionists sometimes put off things until the last minute.


It seems paradoxical that perfectionists would be prone toprocrastination,因为这种特质可能对生产力有害,但完美主义和拖延往往曾经携手并进。这是因为,害怕失败,因为他们所做的事情,完美主义者有时会担心这么多,不完全做一些他们被固定而且根本没有做任何事情。

Procrastination can lead to greater feelings of failure, further perpetuating a vicious and paralyzing cycle.


Because a less-than-perfect performance is so painful and scary to perfectionists, they tend to take constructive criticism defensively, while high achievers can see criticism as valuable information to help their future performance.

Low Self-Esteem

High achievers tend to have equally high esteem; not so with perfectionists. Perfectionists tend to be very self-critical and unhappy and suffer from自卑。They can also be lonely or isolated as their critical nature and rigidity can push others away as well. This can lead to lower self-esteem.

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