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But for every individual we ascribe as "genius," from Mark Zuckerberg to Steve Jobs, there are just as many like Nobel Prize laureate John Nash (of "A Brilliant Mind" fame) and mathematician Kurt Gödel who struggled with mental illness and personal crises. In fact, some research indicates a correlation between high intelligence and mental health issues.








Over the next few years, Terman continued to track the children and found that most were socially and physically well-adjusted. Not only were they academically successful, but they also tended to be healthier, stronger,taller,and less accident-prone than a matched set of children with normal IQs.

After Terman's death in 1956, other psychologists decided to carry on the research, dubbed the Terman Study of the Gifted. The study continues to this day and is the longest-running纵向研究in history.

Correlation of Intelligence and Achievement

其中一些原始参与者在Terman研究中是着名的教育心理学家Lee Chronbach,“我爱露西”作家Jess Oppenheimer,Child Psycopolare Robert Sears,Scientis Ancel Keys,以及50多名其他人以来成为学院和大学的教师成员。

When looking at the group as a whole, Terman reported:

  • 1955年,Terman的科目的平均收入令人印象深刻的33,000美元,而全国平均水平为5,000美元。
  • 三分之二赢得了大学学位,而大量则达到毕业后和专业学位。其中许多人已成为医生,律师,商业管理人员和科学家。

As impressive as these results seemed, the success stories appeared to be more the exception than the rule. In his own evaluation, Terman noted that the majority of subjects pursued occupations "as humble as those of policeman, seaman, typist and filing clerk" and finally concluded that "intelligence and achievement were far from perfectly correlated."

Personality Traits and Success

研究员Melita Oden在他死亡之后进行的Terman的研究,决定将100个最成功的科目(A组)与100个最不成功(C组)进行比较。虽然它们基本上具有相同的IQ水平,但C组中的人只略高于时间的平均收入,并且比A组中的个人更高的酗酒和离婚率。

According to Oden, the disparity was explained, in large part, by the psychological characteristics of the groups. Those in Group A tended to exhibit "prudence and forethought,willpower,坚持不懈,欲望Excel。“此外,作为成年人,他们在大多数C组科目中表现出三个关键特征:目标导向,自信,坚持不懈。

这表明,虽然IQ可以在生活中发挥作用,但人格特质remain the determining feature in actualizing that success.



Other researchers have since suggested that any randomly selected group of children with similar backgrounds would have been just as successful as Terman's original subjects.

What This Tells Us

One thing that IQ scores can reliably predict is a person's academic success in school. Research also suggests that people with high intelligence tend to be more successful at work as well.但是,在某些情况下,它可能只是相反的。


根据研究人员的说法,这是一个解释,是一个人格特点known as openness to experience. This trait is one of the key personality dimensions described in the big 5 theory of personality.

Openness is a trait that essentially removes unconscious barriers that would otherwise prevent a person from experiences considered socially unacceptable. Moreover, it is moderately associated with creativity, intelligence, and knowledge. By contrast, being closed to experience is more associated with routine, traditional behavior, and a narrower set of interests.

A Word From Verywell

While researchers continue to debate Terman's research, most are in agreement about the key finding: that while intelligence may suggest a potential for success, fulfilling that potential requires skills, traits, and support that IQ tests alone can't measure.

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