IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a measure of your ability to reason and solve problems. It essentially reflects how well you did on a specific test as compared to other people of your age group. While tests may vary, the average IQ on many tests is 100, and 68 percent of scores lie somewhere between 85 and 115.
While IQ can be a predictor of things such as academic success, experts caution that it is not necessarily a guarantee of life success. Sometimes people with very high IQs do not fare so well in life, while those with average IQs may thrive.
智力的测量长期以来一直是心理学和教育的热门话题 - 以及一个有争议的主题。万博maxbetx官网登陆智力测试是今天使用的最受欢迎的心理测试之一。自从第一个IQ测试出现以来,尝试对IQ进行分类。
In order to understand what an average IQ score is and what it means, it is essential to first understand how IQ is measured. While different test publishers utilize different scoring systems, for many modern IQ tests the average (or吝啬的)分数设置为100,标准偏差为15,因此分数符合正态分布曲线。
- On many tests, a score of 100 is considered the average IQ.
- Sixty-eight percent of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean (that is, between 85 and 115). That means that nearly 70% of all people score within plus or minus 15 points of the average score.
- 百分之九十五分的分数在两个标准偏差范围内(在70和130之间)。超出这些点的异常值仅占人口的一小部分,这意味着只有一小部分的人有一个非常低智商(below 70) or a very high IQ (above 130).
- 低于70的分数可以代表某种发展或学习残疾的存在,而在130岁以上的分数可能表示有天赋。
Historically, IQ tests have been scored in one of two ways. In the first method, a person's mental age was divided by their chronological age and then multiplied by 100. The other methods involve comparing scores against the scores of others in the individual's same age group.
In this method, psychometricians utilize a process known as standardization to make it possible to compare and interpret the meaning of IQ scores. This process is accomplished by administering the test to a代表性的样本and using these scores to establish standards, usually referred to as norms, by which all individual scores can be compared.
例如,在韦斯勒成人智能量表和斯坦福 - Binet测试中,落在90和109之间的分数被认为是IQ分数的平均。在这些相同的测试中,落在110到119之间的分数被认为是高平均IQ分数。80至89之间的分数被归类为低平均值。
So in most cases, if you receive an IQ score of around 100, then you have what is considered an average IQ. Don't worry—you are in good company. Most people score within one standard deviation of this average.
Intelligence tests are designed to measurecrystallized and fluid intelligence。Crystallized intelligence involves your knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout your life while fluid intelligence is your ability to reason, problem-solve and make sense of abstract information.
Fluid intelligence is considered independent of learning and tends to decline in later adulthood. Crystallized intelligence, on the other hand, is directly related to learning and experience and tends to increase as people grow older.
- 成人的巫师成人情报规模
- The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
- 斯坦福 - Binet Intelligence Scales
- 儿童Kaufman评估电池
- The Cognitive Assessment System
- 差分能力尺度
- 伍德科克约翰逊的认知能力测试
It is important to note that while people often talk about average, low and genius IQs, there is no single IQ test.
今天许多不同的测试包括上述斯坦福-Binet和威奇斯勒成人情报规模,以及伍德科克 - 约翰逊的认知能力测试。每个单独的测试都在究竟测量的内容,如何被评定,以及如何解释这些分数。
Controversies Over IQ
Race and IQ Scores
During the 1920s, the US Army utilized IQ testing on recruits and found that different populations showed group differences in average IQ scores. Such findings helped fuel the eugenics movement and those who supported racial segregation.
The 1994 book钟曲线rekindled the argument and controversy, as the book promoted the notion that racial group differences in average IQ scores were largely the result of genetics. Critics suggest that such group differences are more accurately a product of environmental variables.
Such arguments over race and IQ are a reflection of the age-oldnature versus nurture辩论。是一定的特征,特征和能力更严重受到遗传或环境原因影响的吗?那些相信种族的人是确定智商正在采取大自然的一面,这表明遗传是智商的主要决定因素。
However, research has found that while genetics do play a role in determining intelligence, environmental factors also play an important role.
作为回应,美国心理学协会形成了由心理学家Ulric Neiss领导的特殊工作队来调查本书所提出的索赔。他们发现没有直接证据支持遗传解释,以便在黑人和白人之间进行测试得分差异。相反,他们说,目前,没有针对这种差异的已知解释。
Studies of national cognitive ability suggest that there are differences in IQ scores among different nations. Such studies remain limited, but some explorations of this topic have been conducted by creating estimates of average IQ for different nations. Such differences may be largely linked to environmental influences such as socioeconomic factors, literacy rates, educational rates, and life expectancy.
According to research conducted by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen, Hong Kong had the highest average IQ at 108 while Equatorial Guinea had the lowest at 59. Average group IQs of some other countries included the United States at 98, the United Kingdom at 100, and Italy at 102.
Sex Differences in Average IQ Scores
Over the years, some researchers have argued that either males or females held an advantage in terms of IQ while others have argued that there are no significant differences between men and women.
Research has found that there are slight differences in the performance of verbal and spatial tasks, with women performing better on some verbal tasks and men performing better on some spatial ability tasks. However, researchers believe that this disparity is only partially due to biological differences and is also influenced by culture, experiences, and education.
What an Average IQ Score Means to You
While some limited generalizations can be made in relation to your average IQ score, keep the following in mind:
- It means you have average reasoning and problem-solving skills.你的智商可能是一个很好的通用英蒂cator of your reasoning andproblem-solving abilities, but many psychologists suggest that these tests don't tell the whole story.
- An average IQ score might not tell the whole story about what you are capable of.A few things they don't measure are practical skills and talents. You might have an average IQ score, but you might also be a great musician, a creative artist, an incredible singer or a mechanical whiz. Psychologist Howard Gardner developed a theory ofmultiple intelligencesdesigned to address this perceived shortcoming in popular conceptions of IQ.
- IQ得分不一定在石头中设置。研究人员还发现IQ分数可以随着时间的推移而变化。一项研究在早期青春期期间看着少数科目的智商,然后再次四年后。结果表明,在四年期间,得分多达20分。
- 有些专家表明,EQ可能甚至超过智商。IQ tests also fail to address things like how curious you are about the world around you and how good you are at understanding and managing emotions. Some experts, including writer Daniel Goleman, suggest that情商(often referred to as EQ) might甚至比IQ更重要。研究人员发现,在拥有高度智商的同时确实可以让人们在许多生活领域的优势,肯定没有保证生活的成功。
A Word From Verywell
Don't stress out if you're not a "天才"—the vast majority of people aren't geniuses either. Instead, most people are somewhere within a 15-point range of the average IQ score.
Just as having a high IQ doesn't ensure success, having an average or low IQ doesn't ensure failure or mediocrity. Other factors such as hard work,resilience,坚持不懈,整体attitudeare important pieces of the puzzle.