It is estimated that one in four children in the United States is exposed to alcoholism or drug addiction in their family. Millions of children under the age of 18 live in a home with at least one alcoholic parent.
Research tells us that these children alcoholism or drug addiction are a great risk for a range of cognitive, emotional, and behavior problems in their lifetimes.
Serious Coping Problems
One study found that while many children of alcoholics developed serious coping problems by the age of 18, the majority (59%) did not develop such problems.
- 获得积极的注意力从其他的能力rs
- 足够的沟通技巧
- 平均智力
- 一种关怀的态度
- 渴望实现
- A belief in self-help
Lower IQ, Verbal Scores
许多研究将酗酒者儿童与非酒精儿童进行比较,重点是认知功能。一项研究发现,在提出的儿童中较低的智商,性能和口头分数较低酗酒的父亲, compared to those raised by nonalcoholic fathers.
Another study found lower Full IQ and verbal scores, but not on tests for performance (a measure of abstract and conceptual reasoning).
Performance Within Normal Ranges
对家庭受过教育的酗酒者的研究,其父母住在家中发现,来自的智商,算术,阅读和口头分数的分数降低alcoholic families。
Many Have Academic Problems
- 重复等级
- Failing to graduate from high school
- Referrals to school psychologists
Higher Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety
Many studies have found that children from alcoholic homes have higher levels of萧条和焦虑并且表现出更多的症状,而不是来自非酒精家庭的儿童。
More Extreme Depression
Children of alcoholics show more depression symptoms than children of nonalcoholic homes and their self-reported depression is more frequently on the extreme side of the scale, researchers found.
Behavioral Problems
Behavioral problems of children of alcoholics often include:
- Lying
- 偷窃
- 战斗
- Truancy
- 学校行为问题
Greater Delinquency, Truancy
Researchers have found that families of alcoholics have lower levels of:
- 家庭凝聚力
- Expressiveness
- 独立
- Intellectual orientation
For example, one study found that children with alcoholic parents are less likely to become alcoholics themselves if their parents consistently set and follow through on plans and maintain such family rituals as holidays and regular mealtimes.
Parent Getting Into Recovery Helps
Additionally, one study found that when the drinking parent stops drinking and gets into recovery, it lessens the emotional stress on the children. Researchers found that the emotional functioning in children of recovering alcoholics was similar to those of children of nonalcoholics.
Many times the investigators may overestimate the extent of the problems because the participants in their studies are taken from children who are in trouble or in treatment. Only the most troubled youth enter treatment and the justice system, so those clinical "samples" may be extreme.
Dysfunctional on Many Levels
It is also difficult to determine if the problems described in酗酒者的孩子are specific for parental alcoholism, or do they occur as often in other dysfunctional families. If so, then the problems may not be alcohol-specific.
Regardless, the fact remains that homes with an alcoholic parent can become very dysfunctional on many levels and those situations place the children at risk for a wide variety of negative consequences.