亲密的关系 - 是浪漫,柏拉图,精神,或其他密切关系 - 似乎是对成年人的酗酒者的不可能性。他们发现很难让自己留意别人的相互依存,情感依恋或满足他们的需求。
在回答这个问题时,我们的酗酒遗址访客,“你觉得酗酒父母的成长如何改变了你?" discuss the difficulty they have with intimate relationships, one of the共同特征酗酒者的孩子可以发展。请记住,这些经历虽然是常见的in adult children酗酒者可以代表各种发展问题的结果。
I seek out relationships with men that make me feel inadequate, that leave me lonely, that are cruel and cold. I am currently leaving a man that I have been with over a year who has OCD and spent the last year telling me he would rather be alone, that I talk too much, he cheated on me during the holidays, he refused to introduce me to friends or family, he refused affection, he controlled everything we did. — Jenna
I Want to Stop Running
我最大的沮丧,痛苦,正知道我会失去我爱的合作伙伴和朋友。我最终会逃跑。我知道,但我无法阻止它。损失好像他们在街道的一侧抛弃了我一样伤害,并且关系是无法弥补的。我拼命想停止跑步,害怕 - 我不想要任何正常的永久家庭。-庞格尔
Never Had a Normal Relationship
I hate being alone and just want to find a lovely man I can feel safe with and trust, have a normal relationship and maybe even a home (something I have never had). I marvel at other's ability to just go out and grab what they want, or even to know in the first place and be able to say what they want. This is beyond me and does make me feel useless and pointless, feeling like I've never achieved anything while friends go on and have a life. — JoJo
All the intimate relationships that I've had with men have been with someone who is addicted or needs "saving." I believe that I have viewed this as my only sense of worth in a relationship and that if I am successful at "saving" someone then I will feel vindicated and prove to myself that I am lovable after all. —kalo.
My Trust Is No More
I still struggle with fear and abandonment. All of this causes me to get into relationships with men who have abandoned me and my trust is no more. I don't feel that I could ever be in a lasting relationship for fear of the abandonment and trust issues of another person. —Donna
Have You Been Affected?
有这些描述声音熟悉吗?你发现难以形成亲密关系吗?你可能想拿走this quiz看看你是否受到了影响alcoholic parent。
If you are a沉重的饮酒者还有几个孩子在家里,请寻求help to quit or cut back on your drinking before your children are affected in ways that will change their entire lives.