The Amount of Personality Traits That Exist

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多少性格traits do you think exist? How many personality traits can you list just off the top of your head?outfriendlykindcrlazymean。你或许能说出很多不同的descriptions that apply to personality, but do each of these really represent a specific personality trait?

心理学家s have tried to determine just how many personality traits there might be, and the numbers vary dramatically from one expert to the next. For example, Gordon Allport suggested that there were more than 4,000 different personality traits while Hans Eysenck proposed that there were just three.

Today, the most popular theory suggests that there are five broad dimensions of personality.我们可能用来描述一个人的个性的许多术语将属于这五个核心维度之一。因此,许多专家们认为,众多专家们表示,许多专家们认为它是由几个广泛的团体组成,包括所有这些特征描述符。

How Many Personality Traits Exist?





  • Cardinal特征是那些如此占主导地位的特征,它们在某种情况下表达和一个人生活的各个部分。这种类型的特征被认为是罕见的。
  • Central traits are the core traits that tend to remain relatively stable throughout life. Many trait theories of personality focus on these traits. These traits serve as the "building blocks" of personality.
  • 二次特征是在某些情况下出现的特征。这些可能不一致,并且随着时间的推移可能不会保持稳定。

Cattell: 16 Traits

Later, psychologistRaymond Cattell将此膨胀列表缩小至16.使用称为因子分析的统计技术,Cattell Whittled Allopl的原始列表大约4,000个特征到Cattell称为16“源特征”。他认为,这些潜在的特质是影响被称为个性的行为的原因。

His list of 16 factors included apprehension, emotional stability, openness to change, self-reliance, and sensitivity. Each factor represents a dimension and he suggested that people could be high or low (or in the middle) with regards to a particular trait.


心理学家Hans Eysencknarrowed the list of traits down even further, suggesting that there were just three. He believed that Cattell's system included too many similar traits and originally proposed that human personality could be explained using just two factors: extraversion/introversionand emotional stability/emotional instability. He later added a third factor known a psychoticism, which related to a person's tendency to be psychotic orsociopathic



The five dimensions are:

  • Agreeableness
  • 尽责
  • 提升
  • 神经质
  • 开放性

As an example, if you listed traits such as cheerful, happy, kind, and helpful, those might fall under the broad categories of agreeableness and conscientiousness.


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