What Is a Personality Test?

multiple choice test sheet with marked answers


What Is a Personality Test?


Personalityis something that we informally assess and describe every day. When we talk about ourselves and others, we frequently refer to different characteristics of an individual's personality. Psychologists do much the same thing when they assess personality but on a more systematic and scientific level.




例如,治疗师不仅可以看出一个人对特定测试项目的响应,但它们也可以考虑其他定性信息,如语调和语气body language。All of this can be explored in greater depth as people progress through therapy sessions.


Personality tests are administered for a number of different purposes, including:

  • 评估理论
  • 评估治疗的有效性
  • Diagnosing psychological problems
  • 看着个性的变化
  • 筛选候选人


影响of Personality Tests


For example, your results on a personality test might indicate that you rate high on the personality trait of introversion. This result suggests that you have to expend energy in social situations, so you need to find time alone to recharge your energy. Knowing that you have this tendency can help you recognize when you are getting drained from socializing and set aside quiet moments to regain your equilibrium.


There is no way to prepare for a personality test, but there are some things that you can do to make sure that your results are the best reflection of your personality:

  • Be honest.不要试图呈现自己的“理想”版本。相反,尝试只是以一种反映你是谁以及你的感受方式来回答。
  • Read the instructions.如果您不了解指南或问题,您的结果可能不是对您的准确反映。
  • Don't try to "beat the test."Avoid trying to guess what you think might be seen as the "ideal" answer. Just respond honestly.





Deception Is Possible


Introspection Is Needed


Tests Can Be Long

Self-report personality tests can also be quite long, in some cases taking several hours to complete. Not surprisingly, respondents can quickly become bored and frustrated. When this happens, test-takers will often answer questions as quickly as possible, often without even reading the test items.

Scoring Can Be Subjective



Not all personality tests are reliable or valid. Reliability refers to the consistency of a test while validity involves whether the test is really measuring what it claims to measure.


最早形式的人格测试之一,称为颅脂学, emerged during the late 18th-century and was popularized during the 19th-century. This approach involved the measurement of bumps on the human skull, which were then attributed to specific personality characteristics.

后来,心理学家开始试图确定how many different personality traits曾经有。例如,戈登Allopport建议有超过4,000人。心理学家Raymond Cattell使用了一种称为因子分析的统计技术,以削弱这份列表16个不同的个性因素,而Hans Eysenck将列表缩小到仅三个。

One of the most popular approaches to personality today is known as the Big Five theory of personality. This theory suggests that personality is composed of five broad dimensions: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.

如今,各种人格测试已经受欢迎,往往基于个性系统的特定理论。常用的人格测试包括Myers-Briggs类型指示器(MBTI), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire.

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