心理学家s often talk about性格traits, but what exactly is a trait? How do mental health professionals define this term? It is our personalities that help make us unique individuals, but not everyone agrees on exactly how many different traits exist. Some break personality down into very narrow and specific traits, while others prefer to look at traits much more broadly.
What Are Personality Traits?
Traits are typically defined as the different characteristics that make up an individual's性格。
In theHandbook of Personality: Theory and Research, authors Roberts, Wood, and Caspi define personality traits as "the relatively enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another."
Trait theorysuggests that our personalities are made up of a number of different broad traits. For example, extroversion (often known asextraversion)是一个人格维度,描述了人们如何与世界互动。例如,有些人是非常外向的(或外向的)和外向,而其他人则更具内向和保留。
Until fairly recently, it was believed that personality traits changed very little over the course of a lifetime. Some newer纵向研究透露,特质比以前相信的特点更细致性格changescan and do occur over time.
类型of Traits
心理学家Gordon Allport一旦创建了包含超过4,000个术语的人格特征列表。
According to thebig five model, personality is composed of five broad dimensions. Individual personalities may be either high, low, or somewhere in between on each of the five core traits.
- Agreeableness:相信,利他主义,善良,感情等女性行为
- 责任心:high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors
- 提升:社交,谈话,谈话,自信和兴奋性
- 神经质:sadness, moodiness, emotional instability, worries about many different things
- 开放性:有创造力,乐于尝试新事物,乐于think about abstract concepts
Each of these five traits represents a continuum. Some people are low in certain traits and high in others. In fact, many people are somewhere in the middle of many or most of these characteristics.
在人格方面,更重要的是什么,自然或培育?您的DNA是否会影响您的个性?研究人员花了几十年的学习家庭,双胞胎,采用儿童和养育家庭,以更好地了解人格是多少遗传and how much is环境的。
Both nature and nurture can play a role in personality, although a number of large-scale twin studies suggest that there is a strong genetic component.
One study, the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, studied 350 pairs of twins between 1979 and 1999. Participants included both identical and fraternal twins who were either raised together or apart. Results revealed that personalities of identical twins were similar whether they were raised in the same household or apart, suggesting that some aspects of personality are influenced by genetics.
This certainly does not mean that the environment does not play a role in shaping personality. Twin studies suggest that identical twins share approximately 50% of the same traits, while fraternal twins share only about 20%.
A veryextroberted人例如,可能会随着时间的推移而得到更多的保留。这并不意味着他们会转变为内向的。这简单意味着发生了微妙的转变,并且人的升压已经略微修改。个人仍然是外向和艰苦的,但他们可能会发现他们也偶尔享受孤独或更安静的环境。
一个introvert, on the other hand, may find themselves becoming somewhat more extroverted as they grow older. This does not mean that the individual suddenly develops a desire to be the center of attention or to spend every Friday night at a large party. However, this person may find that they begin to enjoy social events a bit more and feel less exhausted and drained after they spend time socializing.
In both of these examples, the individual's core personality trait has not changed altogether. Instead, changes over time, often the result of experiences, have led to subtle shifts in these central traits.
Key Research Principles
In their handbook of personality, Roberts and his colleagues describe a few basic principles that have been derived from personality research:
- 身份发展原则:People develop a stronger identity as they age and maturity brings a greater commitment to and maintenance of this sense of self. During the younger years of life, people are still exploring different roles and identities. As people age, they begin to feel stronger loyalty to the identity they have forged over the course of their life.
- 到期原则:People tend to become more agreeable, emotionally stable, and socially dominant as they grow older.
- Plasticity principle:虽然人格特质往往是稳定的,但它们没有设置在石头上。它们受到任何阶段的环境影响。
- Role continuity principle:它是在人格特质中导致连续性而不是环境中的一致性的作用。