
Tools to Help You Build a Successful Quit Program

Cropped Hand Of Man Hitting Cigarette On Wooden Table
Tharakorn Arunothai / EyeEm / Getty Images

Smokers don't often talk much about it, but we全部的日复一日地担心吸烟对我们自己造成的伤害。另一件我们不想谈论的事情是我们花了多少时间想辞职吗...but we do, day in and day out.

Addiction Steals Our Right to Choose

None of us started smoking thinking we'd lose our right to choose, but that's exactly what nicotine addiction does to us. Theassociationswe build up over time slowly weave their way through every activity in our lives until we can't think of doing anything without our cigarettes. This habit is insidious and tenacious, and millions of lives are lost every year worldwide to it.

Thousands of people quit smoking successfully every year, breaking the chains of nicotine addiction and leaveing smoking behind永久地. You can, too.


戒烟工具箱为你提供了信息链接和建立一个坚实的社会所需的支持quit smoking program为了你自己。当你戒烟并对戒烟过程有信心和信任的时候,你应该学会期待什么。记住:还有无数人成功地戒除了尼古丁的毒瘾你也可以.



Why Should You Quit Smoking?Making a list of reasons for quitting is a good first step towards successful smoking cessation. What are your reasons?

Get Ready...

How to Develop the Will to Quit Smoking:戒烟对大多数人来说很难。这需要耐心、信任和对目标的承诺。学习如何调整你的思想,建立成功戒烟的决心。


Fostering the Mindset for Success:For some people, there is that magical click where everything falls into place before quitting or just after, but for most of us, the reshaping of attitude into the “right” mindset comes gradually, one day at a time.

Get Set...

为你的离职日期做准备:Preparing yourself for what lies ahead when you quit smoking will add to your ability to make a success of your efforts.

帮助你戒烟的产品:了解尼古丁贴片, gum, inhaler,nasal spray,和尼古丁含片. You'll also find information aboutalternatives去NRTs,比如安非他酮(Zyban或Wellutrin)酒石酸瓦伦克林(Chantix), acupuncture, and hypnosis.

Gather Your Supplies:Thefirst several weeks of smoking cessationcan be difficult. It's important to have things you can do to distract yourself in mind ahead of time...before the urge to smoke hits.


After the Last Cigarette:What happens inside our bodies when we quit using tobacco? Have all of the years of tobacco use caused too much damage for quitting to be of any benefit? Not at all. The human body is amazingly resilient. Within the first 20 minutes of quitting, the physical healing begins.

Common Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal:Let's review some of the more common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and what you can do to manage them should they occur.

10 Tips to Help You Manage Nicotine Withdrawal:Most people will experience some symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, but in general, the pains associated with this phase of recovery are short-lived, especially if you have a few tools to help you manage them more easily.


Smoking Cessation Support Forum:那些知道你正在经历什么的人的支持是无价的。停下来浏览我们非常活跃的戒烟支持社区。您可以作为客人访问并阅读信息,或注册(免费)加入讨论并发表自己的评论。


5 Steps That Lead to a Smoking Relapse:了解导致万博maxbetx官网登陆smoking relapse是最好的方法来避免一个。


There's No Such Thing as就一个Cigarette:大多数戒烟的人对吸烟都有浪漫的想法just one偶尔抽支烟。它是一个normal part of recovery from nicotine addiction,但未能处理这些错误的想法一直是许多失败的退出计划的原因。


别这样不敢戒烟. Do the work it takes to get the monkey that nicotine addiction is off of your back. The rewards are outstanding and you'll love the person you become without the chains of this killer habit weighing you down.

