Nicotine AddictionHighlights
- Quit after 26 years as a smoker
- Manages theDelphi Smoking Cessation Forum
- Devoted to helping others find and maintain freedom from nicotine addiction
特里Martin is a former writer for Verywell Mind covering smoking cessation. After 26 years, Terry found the right combination of tools and motivation toquit smokingpermanently on October 29, 2001. Since that time, she has devoted herself to helping others find and maintain the freedom from nicotine addiction that she now enjoys.
She learned that recovery from nicotine addiction is a process, not an event, and most importantly, that support from others who are going through the recovery is a critical component for long-term success with smoking cessation.
Verywell Mind Editorial Process
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Our writers are notable voices in their respective disciplines, including board-certified physicians, therapists, health journalists, and other mental health experts. These individuals are specifically selected for both their extensive knowledge and real-world experience, as well as their ability to communicate complex information in a clear, helpful, and unbiased way.
Our team of qualified and experienced fact checkers provide a critical step in our commitment to content integrity. Fact checkers rigorously review articles for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. We use only the most current and reputable primary references, including peer-reviewed medical journals, government organizations, academic institutions, and advocacy associations.
Learn More-
Is Rolling Your Own Cigarettes a Healthier Way to Smoke?
What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Smoking?
An Overview of Nicotine Withdrawal
The Health Benefits Having One Smoke-Free Year
How Mainstream Smoke Can Actually Hurt You
How Bidi Cigarettes Are Dangerous to Your Health
Is Smoking a Pipe Healthier Than Cigarettes?
9 Ways Smoking Damages Your Skin
Why You Should Reward Yourself Every Day When You Quit Smoking
How to Make the Holidays Less Stressful After You Quit Smoking
How to Stay Smoke-Free in Times of Extraordinary Stress
15 Key Facts and Stats You Should Know About COPD
How Vinyl Chloride in Cigarettes Can Hurt You
Helping Friends and Family Understand How It Feels to Quit Smoking
Reasons Why You Should Consider Quitting Smoking
9 Risks for Your Unborn Child If You Smoke While Pregnant
13 Things I've Learned About Quitting Smoking Successfully
The Dangers of Thirdhand Smoke
Reshaping Your Attitude Towards Quitting Smoking When You Don't Want To
I Lost My Mom to COPD - Donna's Story
The Harm Secondhand Smoke Causes Children
How to Beat Junkie Thinking During Nicotine Withdrawal
Why You Should Quit While You're Young
Tips for Dealing With Stress While You Quit Smoking
Safety Concerns and Side Effects of Using Chantix to Quit Smoking
Does Smoking a Cigarette Mean You've Relapsed?
An Attitude Adjustment at Two Months Smoke-Free
25 Facts About Smoking That Will Disturb You
Don't Let a Smoking Relapse Get You Down!
An Overview of What to Expect After You Quit Smoking
What Smoking Does to Vitamins in Our Bodies
How You Can Survive Nicotine Withdrawal and Stay Away From Cigarettes
What Smoking Does to Your Metabolism
10 Practical Tips to Help With Nicotine Withdrawal
Practical Tips for Getting Through Your First Smoke-Free Week
Nicotine: Everything You've Been Afraid to Ask
10 Tips for When You Quit Smoking
Are Clove Cigarettes a Healthy Way to Smoke?
How Cigarette Tar Can Hurt You
How to Quit Smoking for Good
How Quitting Smoking Can Seriously Affect the Medicines You Take
Pros and Cons of Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Why Quitting Smoking Is Worth It at Any Age
Quitting Smoking and Weight Gain
Why Chantix Might Help You Quit Smoking
Using Zyban to Help You Quit Smoking
Read Stories of Smokers Who Suffered From Smoking-Related Diseases
The Biggest Smoking Risk Isn't Lung Disease
Stressed from Quitting Tobacco? Read this.