对于我们大多数人来说,吸烟戒烟的早期涉及相当多的工作。Nicotine withdrawal我们在我们的生活和香烟中的活动之间的协会可能会消耗。吸烟的想法是不停而不舒服的。
我们想知道我们是否会没有吸烟或注定要永远奴役的冲动尼古丁成瘾。虽然这个阶段的复苏是具有挑战性的,good news is that the discomforts are all temporary. Better days are ahead, as long as you find ways to manage nicotine withdrawal successfully.
As smokers, we all know how big a deal it is to not smoke for an entire day. So, early on, it's important to celebrate each and every smoke-free day we complete. Doing this achieves more than positive reinforcement, although that certainly plays a part. Let's take a closer look.
While it's true that smoking cessation will eventually help us to live a less stressed life, initially,quitting tobacco tends to increase stress。学习在没有烟雾的情况下导航的那一天很难。
Daily Rewards Provide a Replacement for the Instant Reward of Nicotine
We all need to hear that we're doing well and that the task we're working so hard to accomplish is worth it. It inspires us to keep going until we've overcome the temptation to smoke. For most of us, that takes a无烟生活年份,但别担心。尼古丁戒断的焦虑逐渐消失,每一顺其所转的月,我们更强大,更有动力,使改变成为永久性的。
Why not collect the cash you would have spent on cigarettes in a jar and use it every so often to reward yourself with something special? Monthly smoke-free milestones are a great time to splurge on yourself. Save up for a trip or some other luxury when you reach a year smoke-free.
Think about it: a包装一天吸烟者将在每包10美元上节省3650美元。你应该拥有用卷烟钱购买的有形奖励 - 并认为他们是有什么强大的动力。
Make a list of simple rewards that you can use to help motivate you, along with some ideas for special rewards for bigger non-smoking milestones.
Feed your health and well-being with a daily reward that has meaning for you, and keep your quit program at the top of your priority list for as long as it takes. It's worth the work, and easier to accomplish with a few well-deserved rewards sprinkled in along the way.