
First year of quitting smoking is critical
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尽可能多的人喜欢戒烟并没有nicotine addictionwithin a few weeks, it just doesn't work that way. It is possible tochange the relationship我们搭配香烟,知道我们不会在戒烟后尽快吸烟,但我们仍然必须做的工作breaking down the years of habitwe've built up around nicotine addiction. The only way out is through.


抓住心脏。绑定我们的关系绝对被打破......永久性. It takes some time, but not all that much when you think about how many years most of us spent smoking.

A Year of Firsts

I always tell folks to devote the entire first year to healing from nicotine addiction. All of it. Does that mean you'll be miserable for a whole year? No, but it does mean that it takes that long to move through the majority of activities and events in our daily lives that trigger thoughts of smoking.

Some smoking triggers will let go easily and some will be tenacious, but can所有be reprogrammed with time and practice.

So, what are we talking about when we refer to firsts? Just about everything. There is the first long drive or plane ride without smoking. The first smoke-free vacation. The first presentation, meeting or performance without smoking. The first argument managed without a cigarette, and the first smoke-free day of yard work without smoke breaks. From daily living to seasonal events, we have tothrough those firsts toget通过他们。


Maneuvering through year one also involves dealing with triggers that are related to specific seasons and the events (and emotions) that are tied to them. Think Thanksgiving or the annual office假日派对. Triggers can surprise us when we participate in hobbies or activities that are seasonal too, like gardening or skiing. Even doing the annual taxes can be thought of as seasonal and produce triggers to smoke.

I was 8 months into cessation when I experienced a seasonal craving. It was my first smoke-free summer and while painting a room for the first time since quitting, I was surprised to find that all I could think about was lighting up every time I took a break. It was uncomfortable, in part because it had been months since I'd had a craving to smoke, but also because the urge to smoke was strong. It scared me a little - I felt blindsided. Once I got through that first day of painting smoke-free though, that particular trigger was cleared and never returned.


Going Through it to Get Through it

一旦我们通过the first calendar year of smoking cessation, 99 percent of the associations we've built up over the years will have been faced down and restructured into healthier coping mechanisms.


Not a bad deal, when you think about it. With a健康的心态and the willingness to heal the habits that are associated with smoking, a year is about all that's needed to set a foundation that will comfortably support you for the rest of your smoke-free life. Spend some time reading theone-year smoke-free milestone accounts这里。你很快就会看到他们的大多数人对他们现在享受的成瘾自由有一个共同的主题。虽然许多人会告诉你这是艰苦的工作,但他们没有人说这是不值得的。

Keep in mind that we reach that one year mark by living our smoke-free lives just one day at a time. If you are early in your quit program and looking that far ahead is too intimidating, don't do it. Just know that healing from nicotine addiction takes time. Relax into your quit and vow to take each smoke-free day as it comes. It will serve you well.
