Something about leaving an old year behind and looking ahead at the clean slate of a new one inspires most of us to try. We think about making lasting positive changes in our lives, and we do it with hope and enthusiasm.
Take advantage of the资源并支持在线和当地提供。与医生讨论您的选择,以提出适合您需求的计划。
每只吸烟者都很好地熟悉肠道造成的恐惧,当计划戒烟到来的那一天时会出现。你突然充满了怀疑戒烟是个好主意。也许你应该等到你不那么忙和强调。在下周或月份,你告诉自己,当你点亮并回到否认的拒绝的阴霾时,你会更容易nicotine addiction.
Don't let fear stop youbefore you get started. Push through and stub out that last cigarette when the time comes. You can do it and the rewards awaiting you are well worth the effort it takes to quit.
2. Use a Quit Journal
Consider starting a quit journal and make the first entry the列表的原因you have for quitting. Take a look at an ex-smoker'slist of the pros and cons of smoking并用它来制作自己的详细名单来获取灵感。
We have a way of believing what we tell ourselves over and over. Your journal will help you cement your goals and give you perspective on the progress you're making with cessation.
Encouragement and comfort from others who are interested in your success are crucial. Augment support from family and friends with online support forums, which can be a thriving, active group of people who are going through what you are, and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Stop in as a guest to browse and read posts from other ex-smokers, or register to post messages of your own.
4. Eat Smart
Smoking cessation throws your body into shock initially. As damaging as thechemicals are in cigarette smoke, you've become physically accustomed to them and will feel their absence for a time when you quit.
If you take care to give your body the fuel it needs to run properly, you'll minimize and cope better with the discomforts associated with smoking cessation.
一些款待很好,但不要在空的卡路里加载,让你感到疲倦和原因weight gain. Keep the right foods within easy reach. It's especially important right now.
5. Drink Water
6. Get Your Beauty Sleep
When you're tired, cravings to smoke will seem stronger and you'll have less energy to deal with them. Fit a full eight hours of sleep every night, and add a nap here and there if you need it.
如果你有睡眠困难when you first quit smoking, try taking a long walk a couple of hours before bed. Insomnia can be a symptom of nicotine withdrawal.
Be sure to check in with your doctor if you have any health issues that could be affected by a new exercise routine, especially if you've been inactive recently.
当你有意识地花时间reflect on the value of what you're doing, you fortify your will to make this the quit that lasts you a lifetime.
We all know that smoking is bad for us, but if you're like most smokers, you avoid looking at the destruction that tobacco causes whenever possible. Take the blinders off and read everything you can get your hands on about thedangers of smoking. It will help you start to make the mental shift necessary to quit smoking successfully.
10. Accept and Let It Go
放松进入你的戒烟计划,并在他们来时拥抱渴望吸烟。不要打它们。相反,尝试在情感上倾斜,让他们跑道。最近的渴望三到五分钟. Think of them as signs that your body is healing because that is just what they are.
Quitting tobacco is a gift, not a sacrifice.Don't sabotage yourselfby feeling sorry that you不能抽烟。你是choosing不要吸烟,因为你想摆脱这种瘾者的成瘾。这一切都在你的角度。注意并保持自己的积极心态。
12. Be Patient