As of Dec. 20, 2019, the新的法定年龄限制是21岁对于purchasing cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco productsin the U.S.
当有人提到了疾病戒烟需要在皮肤上,首先想到的to mind? Most of us probably think of wrinkles, and with good reason. Some of thetoxins in cigarette smokedamage collagen and elastin, which are fibrous components of skin that keep it firm and supple.
This damage speeds up skin aging, making smokers more prone to wrinkles on their faces and body. Cigarette smoke also damages skin in other ways that affect one's appearance and把吸烟者的生命放在风险。
Premature Aging of Facial Skin
Juanmonino/E+/Getty Images
"Smoker's lines" are the vertical wrinkles around the mouth that come from pursing lips to draw on a cigarette over and over again. Crow's feet are a common type of wrinkling that develops at the outer edges of the eyes. For smokers, this damage usually starts much earlier than it does for other people, who get crow's feet as they age.
Skin Cancer
If you smoke, your chances of developing squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can be as much as 52% higher than if you didn't smoke. This is the second most common form of skin cancer and often appears on the lips of smokers.
Researchers suspect that the increased risk comes from a lowered immune system due to the toxins in cigarette smoke. Smoking is not a known risk factor for the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma.
牛皮癣是一种皮肤状况,产生瘙痒,红色鳞片状斑块。压力可以带来它,但吸烟也是一个风险因素。吸烟者更容易发生一种叫做的牛皮癣palmoplantar pustulosis。
Doctors think that the link between psoriasis and smoking may be the尼古丁在香烟中。尼古丁影响免疫系统,皮肤炎症和皮肤细胞生长,所有这些都会有助于牛皮癣的发育。还猜测,压力应对技术吸烟者(即香烟)可能会使吸烟者放在额外的开发牛皮癣的风险。
Smoking just about doubles a person's risk of developing psoriasis, with the risk going up depending on the number of cigarettes smoked.Women who smoke20 or more cigarettes a day are two and a half times more likely to get psoriasis than non-smokers. For men, the risk is just over one and a half times that of non-smokers.
Hidradenitis suppurativa, more commonly known as acne inversa, is a relatively common inflammatory skin disease that affects people in areas of the body where skin rubs against skin, like the armpits, groin, and under the breasts in women.
Often misdiagnosed, acne inversa causes boil-like nodules that drain pus. The condition is painful and can last months or even years. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for acne inversa.
Telangiectasiais a condition in which small blood vessels in the body widen or dilate, causing damage to capillary walls. It can happen anywhere, but is most noticeable close to the surface of the skin, where you might see permanent purple blotches or traces of veins (also known as spider veins).
Smoking is a risk factor for telangiectasia. Nicotine in tobacco constricts blood vessels, and this action can cause damage that leads to this condition.
The skin tone of smokers can be uneven and off, tending toward an orange or grey tone. Lack of oxygen to skin cells no doubt plays a part in why this occurs, along with the negative effects of numerous other chemicals in tobacco. Cigarette smoke is laden with over 7,000 chemicals, including 250 that are poisonous and 70 that cause cancer.
Tar Stains
多年的手指之间的卷烟可能导致尼古丁和其他毒素中的皮肤繁华,通常被称为tar。This type of staining is nearly impossible to remove with soap and water. The only way to really get rid of it is to avoid holding cigarettes (stop smoking!).
How Quitting Tobacco Improves Your Skin
你的表皮有什么改进,你可以期待一旦你享受停止吸烟吗?虽然皱纹不得disap发展pear entirely, the return of normal blood flow to skin cells will bring oxygen and nutrients where they need to go and your skin will begin to look healthy once again. Collagen and elastin production will assist, as they're no longer being hindered by toxins in cigarettes.
朋友和家人可能会评论你似乎已经接受的健康光芒,因为戒烟了,因为它往往这很明显。可能需要一些时间,但是benefits to your health and well-beingwill be tangible and worth the work it takes to quit.