大多数人戒烟担心获得weight. It seems to go with the territory.
While a small gain is normal, excessive weight gain when you quit smoking can create new health problems and erode your determination to stay off cigarettes.
Let's take a look at what you can do to keep your weight under control as you go through the process of recovery from nicotine addiction.
Why People Gain Weight When They Quit
Smoking increases metabolism slightly:
- 在一个沉重的吸烟者中每天烧伤最多200卡路里。
- 因为smoking burns calories, metabolism is boosted (increased) slightly.
- 尼古丁is an appetite suppressant.
When you quit smoking, a gain of between 5 and 10 pounds during the first few months of cessation is normal. If your eating habits have remained the same as they were when you smoked, the weight should come back off within a few months. Add some exercise to your daily regimen like a brisk 30-minute walk, and you'll help speed the weight loss along or perhaps avoid it altogether.
Why You Want to Eat More
- Cigarettes as an appetite suppressant:Smokers often avoid between-meal snacking by lighting up. Nicotine is a stimulant, and may also interfere with the release of the hormone insulin. Insulin controls glucose levels in the blood. When this function is blocked, a person will become slightly hyperglycemic, and as a result, the body and brain may slow down the hormones and other signals that trigger feelings of hunger.
- Food as a replacement for smoking:Early on in a person's quit, the urge to smoke is frequent and uncomfortable. Most of us feel the loss of the hand-to-mouth action of smoking acutely, and food often seems like a reasonable replacement. This can lead to overeating and weight gain though, so it's better to find ahealthier substitute for smoking。
- Dopamine and the urge to snack:尼古丁和食物在我们的大脑中分享常见的化学反应:多巴胺的释放。多巴胺被称为“感觉良好”的激素,因为它会产生幸福感。当尼古丁不再在图片中时,我们中的许多人转向食物的提升。情绪舒适的食物给我们这是大脑中这种化学反应的结果。锻炼还释放多巴胺,因此考虑使用它作为改善情绪和最小化渴望的一种方式。它将有助于帮助您加速缓慢的新陈代谢并避免体重增加;你看起来一遍胜利。
Understandingwhat happens to our bodies when we quit smokingand what we can do to alleviate discomfort in constructive ways will help us stay on track and keep weight gain at a minimum.
There are a number of choices you can make to minimize weight gain.
As mentioned above, exercise releases dopamine and is a great way to stave off cravings to smoke. It can also help you keep your weight stable. Shoot for at least a half hour of exercise, 5 days a week. It doesn't have to be a high-intensity aerobic workout; a brisk 30-minute walk around your neighborhood will work wonders for your body, mind, and soul.
- Vegetable sticks: Celery, carrots
- 瘦肉和少量奶酪
- Seeds and nuts: Choose those that you have to remove the shell. Gives your hands something to do and helps you eat less.
- 94%无脂爆米花
- 小径混合
- Water: Drink lots of it
- Hard candies to suck on
- 新鲜的水果
- Low-fat yogurt
- Herbal teas
- 用非牛奶制成的热可可
- 冷冻葡萄
- Fat-free fudgecicles
- 对自己好。退出烟草是一个巨大的成就,而且你应该奖励你自己for your progress often. Don't underestimate the magnitude of what you are doing.
- 耐心一点。戒烟是一个需要时间的过程。它不会过夜发生,但与我们大多数人吸烟的年数相比,从尼古丁成瘾中恢复很短。给自己你需要治愈的时间。
- Accept yourself.You are a wonderful person just as you are right now.
Weight can be lost, lungs cannot.