截至2019年12月20日,new legal age limit is 21 years oldfor购买香烟,雪茄或任何其他烟草制品在美国。
Quitting smoking很难,这是毫无疑问的。当一种渴望袭来时,最好的办法是转移你的注意力,找一些可以取代香烟的方法。大多数时候,吸烟的冲动会在瞬间消失。
你可以做很多事情来度过第一关撤回阶段. 从家务到锻炼,甚至养成一种新的爱好,关键是找到适合你的消遣方式。即使是最简单的事情也能让你摆脱某种心态,打破任何试图戒除尼古丁成瘾时出现的消极思维模式。
Let's explore some of the many activities that ex-smokers have used to help them quit. After reading these, you'll probably come up with a few of your own. Embrace those and turn to them every time you feel like smoking. With time, practice, and diligence, it becomes easier.
5-Minute Craving Busters
有些快速和容易在那一刻的通知和这些都可以做的事情总是好的five-minute craving busters可以做诀窍。他们不采取很多努力或时间,但它们足以取代抓住香烟的习惯。
- Drink a glass of water. It's surprising how well this works.
- Eat a dill pickle.
- 吃一块酸糖果。
- Eat a popsicle or wash and freeze grapes on a cookie sheet for a healthy frozen snack.
- 用牙线刷牙。
- Chew gum.
- 吃一个热软糖圣代。
- Whistle or hum for a while.
- 做三套十个跳跃杰克。
- 运行到位。
- 曲柄放电,在肺部唱歌(在驾驶时工作很棒)。
- 如果音乐在演奏,就要像没人看一样跳舞。
- Slather on rich, creamy hand lotion and rub, rub, rub! It keeps fingers busy and reminds you how nice it is that they don't smell like tobacco.
教育自己需要期待的美好事物 - 或者您可能避免的糟糕事物 - 毫不吸烟是一个很好的提醒,为什么你做出这一决定。
- Learnwhat to expect when you quit smoking.
- 列清单吸烟的优缺点.
- Research the关于吸烟的事实和统计和烟草使用。
- 给香烟写一封告别信
- 列出款待清单 - 无论多么小 - 你每天都给自己放弃。
- Start a reward fund. Put away the amount you spend on smokes every day and use it for those daily treats.
- Create your own list of craving-buster activities.
- 叫一个朋友。
- 给你一个巨大的拥抱,告诉他们他们对你意味着多少。
- 花时间和孩子在一起。
- 给你关心的人写一封老式的手写信。
- Volunteer somewhere in your community.
- Call your parent or grandparent. You know they'd love to hear from you!
- Write a list of things you are grateful for.
- Wash the car.
- 蜡车。
- 检查你的车胎压力。
- Clean the inside of the car.
- 打扫地下室或车库。
- 擦洗地板。
- 洗衣服。
- Clean out a closet in the house.
- 整理你的图片盒。
- 按字母顺序排列你的书架。
- Organize the junk drawer.
- 在房子里画一个房间。
- Go outside and do some gardening.
- Start a vegetable garden.
- Make a to-do list for the week ahead.
- 开始一个房屋预算。
- Shred that pile of paper you've been meaning to get to.
- Start planning a vacation that will be funded by the money saved by not smoking for a year.
- 计划下周的晚餐并制作购物清单以匹配。
- Try a new recipe.
- Bake a cake.
- Chop up veggies for a stir-fry or quick, healthy snacking.
- Wash the dog.
- 玩猫。
- Read a book.
- Watch a funny movie on TV.
Many ex-smokers find that they not only need a mental distraction, but they also need to find ways to keep their hands busy. Cigarettes are interactive, after all, and this can be one of the biggest obstacles you face.
Now may be a great time to take up a new hobby. There are plenty of options available and it doesn't have to be anything too involved or long-term. Yet, you may find that you're really good at something you never thought of pursuing before.
- 占用新的爱好或兴趣。
- 把相机拿出来拍些照片。
- 织围巾。学习编织或钩针是前烟民的一大建议。
- 开始缝纫项目。
- Write a poem.
- Write a short story.
- 画一幅画。
- Grab crayons or colored pencils and彩色一张图片.
- Make a greeting card.
- Spend some time scrapbooking.
- Digitize the family photos or print out your digital photos.
- 从家庭照片中创建一个拼图。
- 创建一个家庭食谱。
- 用木头建造一些东西。
- Refinish or reupholster a piece of furniture.
- Make a terrarium.
- 制作自制蜡烛或肥皂。
- Do a jigsaw puzzle or find one online atJigzone.com..
- Do a crossword puzzle.
- 玩一场互联网拼字游戏。
One thing that deters many people from quitting is the fear of gaining weight. You can help avoid that while distracting yourself by doing small things to stay active. If you're going to pick up a new habit to replace the old, it might as well be a healthy one, right?
- Go for a walk.
- Go to the gym and work out.
- 尝试新的练习例程。
- Jump on the treadmill and work up a sweat.
- 骑自行车。
There are times when a change of scenery can do wonders for the mind. When you're tired of hanging around the house, step outside and find somewhere to go. It's a lot of fun and can be非常放松.
- 在商场的窗口商店。这也是一个很棒的走路。
- 抓住你的杆和解决和头部到池塘for some fishing.
- Take a day trip.
- Go out to lunch or dinner.
- 去古董购物。
- 走进大自然。
- Go play mini-golf.
- Go out to the movies.
- Watch the sunset.
- 献血。
- 练习在镜子里微笑,因为它释放了让你开心的内啡肽。
- De-clutteryour home.
- Stop and really smell the roses.
- 将浴室转入水疗中心放松和恢复活力。
- Take a shower.
- Take a candle-lit bath.
- Listen to a relaxation tape or some favorite music.
- 做几分钟深呼吸。
- Practice meditation.
- 打盹儿。
- 对待自己按摩。
- 给自己修甲修脚。
- 给你的头发上色。
- 让你的伴侣厨师吃晚饭。
A Word From Verywell