Relaxing at home is easier if you have a relaxing home to enjoy! Sadly, many of us feel more stressed in our homes because they're not decorated in a relaxing way. Elements that impact stress levels—clutter, smells, sounds and color, for example—can be altered, and probably more easily than you think. To create a relaxing home, it’s a good time to de-clutter and remove elements that cause stress, and add elements that create serenity. The following tips can help:
Sometimes less is more, and this is rarely truer than when the topic is clutter! Being in an environment that’s overly cluttered can create feelings of fatigue and of being overwhelmed by the chaos. If it’s your home that’s cluttered, you may be thinking of all the work you'll need to do to clean and organize the mess; if it’s someone else’s home, you may find it hard to feel comfortable as you see so much of the other person’s life on display.
有点混乱是很常见的,但如果你有足够的clutter that you feel uncomfortable (and everyone has their own comfort level with this) you would do well to take a few chunks of time and devote your efforts to de-cluttering and organizing.
Here are some ideas to create a less-cluttered, less-stressful environment:
- 每天去杂乱15分钟,只需几天就会令人惊叹的进展
- 一段时间后,一间房间脱杂干,只有几次会议
- When you’re on the phone, work on de-cluttering a tabletop or corner of a messy room
- Put on music as you clean—the time goes by faster and you have more energy
- 创建组织系统,以便您不必反复解除杂乱无章
The scents in an environment can be inviting, distracting or downright repelling! We’ve all been in a place that just smells funky, and it often creates a sensation of discomfort that’s tangible. Likewise, pleasant scents can literally de-stress you.
If you’ve ever wondered if aromatherapy claims have any basis in fact, there is some research that shows certain scents can soothe, invigorate and affect our moods and stress levels. How does your home rate in this area?
The good news is, it’s easy to create a soothing feel in your home with a few aromatherapy candles, oils or other tools, and the effect is immediate. Find a few scents you like and make them a permanent fixture in your home.
Here are some ways you can use scent to relieve stress in your home:
- 如果有任何污秽的气味,请尽量尝试深入清洁它们。
- Place at least one scented candle in each room to transform the mood easily; you can use a different scent in each room or a signature scent throughout your home.
- Put a cotton ball scented with essential oils inside your vacuum cleaner bag. When you vacuum, you'll spread a pleasing odor around the room. (Seriously, try it!)
- Use peppermint essential oils and a room diffuser to wake yourself up in the morning.
- Bathe with a few drops of lavender essential oil in your tub at night, as a soothing way to get ready for sleep.
Relaxing Sounds for a Relaxing Home
Here are some more ways you can use sound to reduce stress in your environment:
- Get a sound spa and play ocean waves as you meditate.
- Play dance music while you clean house.
- Play classical music while you eat.
- 为您的手机选择一个铃声,您可以真正享受听证会 - 并经常更改它。
- 养成演奏音乐以被动缓解压力的习惯。
Use Color to Create a More Relaxing Home
我们都有颜色偏好,这对我们的个性是独一无二的。被我们天生的颜色包围在一起,可以更愉快。我们也受到不同方式的颜色影响 - 某些颜色以大多数人的方式影响我们的情绪。例如,蓝色据说是平静的,红色令人兴奋等。
You can change the whole feel of a room with a few cans of paint (if you’re feeling ambitious and want a big change) or even a few accent pieces (if you’re pressed for time). Here are some ideas you can use right now to use color to reduce stress in your environment:
- Choose a room in your home that doesn’t thrill you -- and paint it.
- Change the bedspread and throw pillows on your bed; this can alter the feel of the whole room.
- Change the towels in your bathroom. (Choose the softest and fluffiest ones you can find!)
- 太多的颜色可以感到混乱;尝试使用每间客房不超过三种颜色的配色方案。
- Decorate with colors you truly enjoy and that promote the mood you hope to achieve in each particular room.
Relaxing At Home -- Make It a Habit!
Relaxing at home is easiest when it's something you do on a regular basis. This is because emotions and moods can become habitual; when you're used to feeling relaxed in your home, you may find yourself relaxing more easily simply because this is your usual state in this place.
阅读更多关于benefits of meditation, and find simple ways to get started.
Physical exercise provides top-notch stress relief and other benefits. You don't need to have a home gym set-up to find effective exercises at home. There are many options for getting exercise at home, which in itself can bring less stress because there's less expense and preparation involved. Workingregular exerciseinto your schedule and creating a space for it in your home can encourage you to maintain this healthy habit for years to come.
Learn more about the benefits of journaling and ways to use it for stress relief.