
JGI / TOM GRILL混合图像/盖蒂图像

芳香疗法已被证明是在健康和健康方面带来许多益处stress relief旁边的薰衣草小袋或床上的味道闻到了奇观的刺激缓解压力并帮助您从一天中放松身心。


迷迭香, lavender and the other scents listed below are the most popular aromatherapy scents used for stress relief. Within each description, look at their effects and suggestions on how to make the most of them, so you can match the right scent with your aromatherapy needs.





薰衣草is associated with feelings of contentment, improved cognitive performance (some measures), and mood. It has also shown other mild sedative and calming effects.




Peppermint aromatherapy has been found to increase memory and alertness.它可以为太累和太忙的人,强调学生和过度劳累提供了一个伟大的选择。


Ylang-ylang has actually been found to decrease alertness, slightly lengthen processing speed, and impair memory. It has also been found to promote calmness and reduce stress, making it a good option for unwinding and de-stressing at the end of a long day.



Benefits of Other Scents


If you find that its effects are not what you’d hoped for, there are plenty of other scents available. There are many scents that have been proven effective for relaxation, mood enhancement, alertness, deeper relaxation, and sleep, so you have many options from which to choose!

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