以下是一些最受欢迎,有效,令人愉快的冥想缓解压力; try several, and see what type of meditation works best for you. Then practice regularly and let your chosen meditations transform your life.
Wesley Hitt / Getty Images
Mindfulness meditationinvolves increased awareness of the present moment. With practice, it can be utilized anywhere and can bring lasting stress relief benefits. This simple meditation technique can be learned quickly and is considered by many to be one of the easiest meditations for stress relief.
Mark Lewis / Getty Images
音乐可以影响only the emotions but our physiology as well. Read about the音乐的影响。
Body Scan Meditation
Jasper Cole / Getty Images
Physical tension can lead to increased emotional tension, creating a "feedback loop" of stress. The body scan meditation can help you to get in touch with your physical tension and can help you to release it at the same time.
Topalov Djura / Getty Images
Some people may feel odd repeating a word aloud, or even under their breath, but for those who enjoy having a focus during practice, mantra meditation can be quite useful. Many mantra meditation techniques have you repeat the mantra silently. It has the added benefit of allowing you to focus on a word whose meaning resonates strongly with you, like, "hope."
Brief Meditation
Maite Pons / Getty Images
Research suggests that even brief, 10-minute meditations can have beneficial effects.较短的会话可以是在您没有时间的完整二十分钟会议时快速缓解压力的好方法。
Second, when paired with regular practice, they can get you back into the place of peace and relaxation similar to what you experience in your regular meditation sessions fairly quickly. This makes them effective and convenient.
Yagi Studio / Getty Images
Aromatherapy has a number of缓解压力benefits。它还可以在融入冥想实践时增加额外的愉快和放松程度。