Information presented in this article may be triggering to some people. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the国家自杀预防生命线在1-800-273-8255for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.
For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库。
If you have been struggling with自杀的念头, 你并不孤单。在处理严重抑郁症的人中,有希望采取自己的生活是常见的。然而,重要的是要记住,你的感受或思考不必转化为行动。
你的生活情况不断变化,你的感受也会发生变化,无论它现在有多么希望。虽然当你感觉时,可能很难看到它深深沮丧, 还有希望。
If you are not currently receivingtreatment for your depression,这一步骤可能涉及与您的家庭医生或精神科医生进行预约,以进行评估和治疗。如果你已经在治疗,但正在挣扎,你的医生将能够通过与您合作来帮助您进行治疗计划或通过帮助您成为改变入住医院直到危机通过。
A six-year study published in柳叶瓶发现,在开始抗抑郁药后的前两个月,大约60%的人在前两个月内减少了50%的症状。
自杀hotlines andchat roomsare also important resources. They are free and can connect you with a counselor who will help you talk about your feelings in a safe environment.
Work on Problem Solving
Often, coping with your suicidal feelings can be a matter of waiting until the medication kicks in or your circumstances change. While you are waiting, however, it can help for you to find ways to distract yourself from the情感痛苦。
If you are in immediate danger of hurting yourself, you haven't responded well to antidepressants, or there are medical reasons why antidepressants are not a good idea for you, your doctor may opt to prescribe less common treatments.
Electroconvulsive therapy(ECT),这涉及将电脉冲应用于头皮以诱导癫痫发作,迅速工作,并将为患者的约80%提供救济。虽然程序可能具有不良的副作用,如记忆损失,但如果您需要快速感觉,它可能是一个很好的选择。
经颅磁刺激(TMS)involves stimulating a particular area of the brain with magnetic pulses but is less invasive than ECT and has fewer side effects. Like ECT, it's targeted toward individuals who have not responded well to antidepressants.
Studies have found that people treated with TMS experience significant improvement in their depression symptoms.对于TMS的人来说,实际的降息率估计为30%至40%。
Because the patients recruited for these studies were individuals who were considered non-responders to antidepressant therapy, the results are believed to represent a percentage of patients above and beyond those who have already responded to antidepressants who could, if they don't give up prematurely, achieve complete remission of symptoms.
迷走神经刺激(VNS), which has sometimes been referred to as "a pacemaker for the brain," is a more invasive procedure than ECT or TMS. It involves having a pulse generator surgically implanted under the skin of the chest.
One study found that those treated with VNS experienced significant improvements in overall well-being, even in cases where symptoms of depression were reduced by less than 50%.
如果你或亲人有严重的抑郁症,它可以是一个救命行为来创造一个safety planwith the help of your support network. Your safety plan can help provide you with concrete steps to take to cope when your depression is at its worst and when you are having suicidal thoughts.