人们PTSD.should learn how to cope with upsetting thoughts and memories, as they often have flashbacks about traumatic events. Fortunately, a number of coping strategies can help such individuals better manage their thoughts and feelings. Review these strategies below.
Catching and Addressing Negative Thoughts
我们如何评估和考虑自己,其他people and events can have a major impact on our mood. If you are feeling anxious and scared, you are more likely to have thoughts that are consistent with that mood. Given this, it is very important to pay attention to your thoughts and how they may be influencing your mood, as well as how to address them before they influence your behavior. This article describes a number of errors in thinking that increase the likelihood of a negative mood. It also describes ways you can begin addressing these thoughts.
How to Be More Mindful of Your Thoughts
Mindfulness can be a wonderful skill to practice when it comes to coping with your PTSD symptoms; however, it can be difficult to be mindful of thoughts, especially those that usually accompany a PTSD diagnosis. People with PTSD may struggle with unpleasant thoughts and memories of their创伤事件。这些想法可以控制一个人的生命。正念可以用来从你的思想中恢复一步,减少他们影响你生活的能力。阅读,了解一项简单的运动,了解如何思考你的想法。
Nearly 31,000 people commit suicide each year, and people who have experienced a traumatic event or have PTSD may be more likely to attempt suicide. Given this, it is important for traumatized people to be on the lookout for suicidal thoughts and develop ways of coping with them. Catching and addressing these thoughts early on can prevent them from worsening, ultimately helping you to avoid a suicide attempt. When you notice that you are having an increasing number of these thoughts, immediately try some of these coping strategies. These thoughts may also be a signal to seek professional help (if you have not) or work with your therapist on assessing and managing your safety.
如果你有自杀思想,请联系国家自杀预防生命线在1-800-273-8255for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.
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