Using mindfulness forPTSD.可能是一种应对的好方法。令人难以置信。然而,精神卫生专业万博手机客户端人士开始认识到,正面可以对患有焦虑和抑郁症的困难的人有许多益处。
People with PTSD may sometimes feel as though they have a hard time getting any distance fromunpleasant thoughts and memories。They may feel preoccupied with and distracted by these thoughts. As a result, many people with PTSD find that they have a hard time focusing their attention on what matters most in their life, such as relationships with family and friends or other activities that they used to enjoy.
As is the case with many "therapies" such as mindfulness, research has only begun to explore the benefits for people with anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress syndrome. That said, the research done thus far implies that there is a significant benefit to these practices.
Mindfulness has been shown to be an effective stress reduction practices in general, but there may be other ways it works for people with PTSD as well. Recent research suggests that mindfulness may help to mitigate the relationship between maladaptive thinking and posttraumatic distress.
Mindfulness is made up of a number of skills, all of which require practice. These skills are briefly described below:
正念是技能之一learning how to focus your attention on one thing at a time. This includes being aware of and able to recognize all the things that are going on around you (for example, sights and sounds), as well as all the things that are going on inside you (for example, thoughts and feelings).
Part ofmindfulnessis being in touch with the present moment as opposed to being caught up in thoughts about the past (also called谣言或者未来(或担心)。这项技能的一个方面是经验中的积极参与者,而不是“经过动议”或“被困在自动飞行员”中。
This skill of mindfulness focuses on being open to new possibilities. It also refers to observing or looking at things as they truly are, as opposed to what we think they are or evaluate them to be. For example, going into a situation with a preconceived notion of how things will turn out can color your experience. This can prevent you from getting in touch with the true experience.
- 找到躺在背部或坐的舒适位置。如果您坐下,请确保将背部直接保持并释放肩部的紧张局势。让他们下降。
- 闭上眼睛。
- 把注意力集中在你的呼吸上。简单地注意你身体中的感觉慢慢呼吸。
- 现在引起你的注意力。每次呼吸时都会感受到你的肚子上升和扩展。每次呼吸时都会觉得你的肚子摔倒。
- 继续将您的注意力集中在充分的呼吸体验中。沉浸在这种经验中。想象一下,你是“骑着海浪”的呼吸。
- Anytime that you notice your mind has wandered away from your breath (it likely will and this is completely normal!), simply notice what it was that took your attention away and then gently bring your attention back to the现在的时刻—your breathing.
- 只要你想!
- 在尝试此练习之前,它可能是首先简单的practice breathing。This may sound silly, but many people don't breathe properly, which can fuel stress and anxiety.
- 这是一种习惯。每天至少练习一次运动。
- At first, it may be important to practice this exercise at times when you are not overly stressed-out or anxious. When you were first learning to drive a car, you likely didn't start out on the highway during a thunderstorm. The same goes for mindfulness.
- 请记住,在此练习期间徘徊是正常的。这就是它的所作所为。不要沮丧。相反,在这样的时间里,以这种方式思考心灵可能有用
A Word From Verywell