很多人宫外应激障碍(PTSD)have a害怕公开发言。这是一种形式social anxiety。这些恐惧可以对一个人在工作或学校的成功水平产生巨大影响。害怕公开发言的人可能会避免在其他人面前呈现的工作,课程或情况。但是,即使您也在处理PTSD,您也可以克服这些恐惧。
If you fear public speaking, it's important to remember that these fears make sense. When you're speaking in front of a crowd, you're vulnerable. This can be very frightening for someone with PTSD.
In addition, you may be afraid that people will evaluate you negatively. You may even fear a positive evaluation because if people think you did a good job, they might expect that you'll always perform at that level. You fear that a new standard has been set that will be difficult to keep up.
Tips for Public Speaking With PTSD
- 认识并验证你的焦虑。当人们从事公众演讲时,焦虑是正常的。接受焦虑并愿意经历它会阻止它不断增长和潜在干扰您的演示。“愿意”自己放松或试图推动焦虑,只会分散你的注意力,增加你焦虑的唤醒。请记住,观众中没有人知道你的内心感觉如何。
- 呼吸。Before you begin talking, take some time to focus your attention on yourbreathing。这可以减少你的焦虑,并让你在你出席之前重点放弃。
- 释放肌肉张力。Don’t clench your fists or lock your knees. Use hand gestures. If you notice that you're tensing up, move around. Movement also helps with breathing.
- 专注于您的信息,而不是您的身体。当人们在公共场合讲话时,他们经常专注于他们的内部感觉或者是否他们是脸红,摇晃等。当我们在公共场合发言时,小体内运动或身体的小变化都会加剧。可能对我们的大量颤抖或摇晃可能对我们的观众来说可能是什么感觉。我们越是专注于这些经验,他们会得到的更强大,我们的焦虑越多,我们的信息就越多。
- 实践。Obviously, practice is important when giving a speech. However, people often practice in the wrong way. People often practice speeches by going through exactly what they want to say, almost to the point of memorizing the presentation. This is setting you up to fail. During the speech, if you deviate from what you practiced or memorized, you might become derailed, causing your anxiety to spike. Practice going through concepts, not words. Become familiar with the main points you want the audience to take home. These main points can be delivered in a number of different ways.
- Have water available.这可以有助于口干,但它也会让您有机会在演讲中需要呼吸。避免咖啡因或含糖液体。
- Plan breaks in your presentation.询问是否有人有任何疑问。即使没有人有任何疑问,这也让您有机会呼吸并收集您的想法。您也可以将问题引导给观众中的人作为一种让自己休息的方式。
- 尽量避免使用笔记。When there is too much on a note card, people often rely too heavily on them and lose their connection with the audience. If you use note cards, just include brief bullet points.
- Act confident.即使你不觉得这样的话,就会与信念交谈。你的情绪最终会赶上你的展示。
- 与观众的不同成员保持真诚的目光接触。如果您在一个大房间,它可以帮助将房间分成部分,并通过演示文稿将您的眼睛引导到房间的这些不同的区域。
- 有着灵活的关注。When giving a presentation, it's normal to lock attention on someone who is providing negative facial feedback. It's also normal to interpret this as an indication that we're not being successful in delivering our message. In truth, we have no idea as to what that individual is responding to. Have a more expansive awareness of the room. Notice people who are also providing positive facial feedback.
- Be mindfulwhen you start a presentation.People sometimes become overwhelmed when they start a presentation because they feel as though they have so much to get through. Focus your attention on the present and effectively delivering your message for each part of your presentation.
- 未雨绸缪。If there is a possibility that you could be short on time, plan ahead what can be cut out. Also, decide in advance how you can respond to questions that may be asked, especially questions that you don't know how to answer.
- 熟悉你的位置。如果你不熟悉你在提供演示文稿的地方,请尽早到达,得到一个土地。你越熟悉的是位置,你会感觉不太毫无准备。
- Practice self-care.那天吃得好。前一天晚上睡得足够。并且,再次限制咖啡因。
Public speaking fears can be difficult to overcome, especially if you have PTSD. Therefore, don't expect these tips to bring about an immediate reduction in your anxiety. They require repeated practice.
It may also be useful to start out with short presentations in front of people you feel comfortable with. Try to practice these tips when you feel less anxious. That way, you can become more comfortable with using them.
Although you may not get relief immediately, with repeated practice and exposure to public speaking, your可以克服恐惧。