The Relationship Between PTSD and Social Anxiety Disorder

Guilt and Shame in PTSD Patients May Lead to SAD

Teenager looking out of window, Munich, Germany

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PTSDand社交焦虑症(悲伤)commonly co-occur, and there are a number of possible reasons why people with PTSD, as compared to those without the diagnosis, may be more likely to develop fears of social situations.



According to the精神疾病诊断与统计手册令人难过的是悲伤,您需要在您预计以某种方式执行的社交局势或情况频繁和无休止的恐惧。

In these situations, you come into contact with unfamiliar people or experience the possibility of scrutiny by others.


You recognize that the fear you experience in response to social situations is unreasonable or greater than it should be, and you avoid situations you fear. If you have to be in those situations, you do so with high levels of anxiety and distress.

These symptoms interfere considerably with many aspects of your life (work, relationships, etc.) and are not due to medication, a substance (i.e., alcohol), a medical condition or other disorder.



Why Are PTSD and SAD Related?



In addition, many people with PTSD feel high levels of shame, guilt, and self-blame, and these feelings may lead to SAD. Finally, there is evidence that SAD among people with PTSD stems from depression.具有患病枢目的人经常经历抑郁症,这可能导致社会退出,隔离,缺乏可能导致悲伤发展的动力。




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