Key Takeaways
- During this time of overwhelming stress, many people are turning to food for comfort.
- 情绪馅食不是一个有问题的应对策略,除非是你的only应对策略。
- 以前从饮食失调中恢复过来的人可能会发现自己陷入复发。
- It's important to expand your coping skills during this time and practice self-compassion.
Now is a time of overwhelming stress. Turning to food is a reasonable coping strategy, as long as it is not your only one. There are different strategies that may help you cope with the stress of the pandemic and the emotional eating that may occur as a result.
No matter what your life was like before, it has been altered in fundamental ways.
What's more, the reduced structure to your day has disrupted your routine. If you find that you’re often in the kitchen, thinking about your next meal, eating more than you think you need, or stress eating—we promise that you’re not alone.Shira Rosenbluth,LCSW,饮食障碍治疗师有居住体验,提供平静的建议。
Shira Rosenbluth,LCSW
“Emotional eating” is not a clinical term, but a term we use to describe the phenomenon of eating in response to an emotional state, rather than hunger. People naturally eat for a wide variety of reasons—emotional states among them—and this is perfectly normal.
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the following symptoms, it could be an饮食失调:
- You find thatobsessive thoughts of food阻止你做其他事情
- 在短时间内,在短时间内吃着异常的食物,在这样做时感觉不受控制
- 你正在吃饭
- You are eliminating food groups (without a medical reason)
- You are呕吐
- 你正在使用泻药
- You are过度锻炼
Whether this is in response to current stressors or something that has been brewing for some time, pleaselearn more about these disorders。
What About Relapses?
At this stressful time, people who have previously recovered from an eating disorder or disordered eating may find themselves slipping into past behaviors. This is not surprising and is nothing of which to be ashamed. Progress is not linear under the best of circumstances.
您可能考虑的一些事情包括meal planning,保持 journal, talking to a support person, or reconnecting with your therapist or营养师。
Here are some tools you can take advantage of when taking steps to alleviate the effects of emotional eating.
首先,练习接受。如果食物是让你经历过的,那不是最糟糕的事情 - 实际上,它可能是良好的自我照顾。
Shira Rosenbluth,LCSW
我知道它可能听起来违反直觉,但允许自己允许自我安抚的食物很重要。因为如果你对你正在吃的方式感到内疚并试图饮食或限制弥补暴饮暴食或狂欢,你将继续燃料binge-restrict cycle。Allow yourself full permission to eat the foods you enjoy.
You may be afraid of gaining weight during your time sheltered at home. You needn’t feel shame for not wanting to gain weight. Our fatphobic society tells us that gaining weight is scary. But when you survive the pandemic you will have done well for yourself—any weight gain is irrelevant.
你的身体和你的体重将在整个一生中改变。尸体有各种形状和尺寸;也许是你的预流血weight was suppressed或者也许你受到压力,需要体重生存。也许当你返回“正常生活”时,它会回去后退。无论你的体重如何,你都有价值。
Make Sure You Are Eating Enough
You do not need to reduce the amount you are eating just because you are now quarantined at home. Our diet-obsessed society sends many messages that eating less is better and that we are more virtuous if we restrict what we eat. Many people are posting on social media about trying to prevent weight gain during social distancing.
However, such dietary restriction often backfires leading to emotional eating, binge eating, and the opposite of what’s intended—weight gain.You cannot control your body’s weight long term。整天经常吃足够的东西,你将减少压力或计划生意外的剧集。您还可能有助于稳定血糖并规范您的心情。
Shira Rosenbluth,LCSW
如果进食一直是您唯一的应对策略,则为您的工具箱添加新工具很好。考虑other activities这可以舒缓,分散注意力或放电一些神经能量。这些对每个人都是独一无二的。
在这段时间的社会距离,更多的我mportant than ever to maintain our connections. Make sure you stay in contact with friends, family, colleagues, and coworkers. Fortunately, with phones and the internet, there are many options for doing so.
在大流行之前,我们担心人们正在使用屏幕来孤立;现在我们认识到他们提供了令人惊奇的连接机会。获得创意 - 有一个FaceTime收集或团体餐,有一个组Zoom在共享在线锻炼或Netflix观看派对期间与朋友联系。
You also don’t need to increase your exercise to make up for being more sedentary now. Even if others around you are talking about their diets or increasing their exercise, you do not need to. Let your body regulate itself.
You do not have to go through this time alone. Even if you live alone or have limited means, there are resources and supports available to you. Many therapists and dietitians and饮食失调treatment programs正在提供在线服务,并且有几种低成本或免费支持的选项。