Shouldstatements can be impacting your struggle with panic, anxiety, and depression. Find out how应该s, oughts,和必须contribute to panic disorder, and how you can reframe your thoughts in a positive way.
Why "Should" Statements Cause Anxiety
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According to theory based on cognitive therapy, one’s thinking can play a major role in developing stress and mental health conditions. Many people with沮丧和anxiety使用应该statements when describing themselves and their life situations.
这种类型的错误思维通常在包括单词的短语中的表面应该,应该,或者必须。这些陈述被消极的思想家用作掌握他们生活的悲观观点。人们恐慌症often think with应该思考他们的症状时,可能导致焦虑增加avoidance behaviors。
洛瑞有一个害怕飞行因为她记得。然而,她的工作要求她每年几次乘飞机旅行。乘飞机旅行时,Lori通常通过放松技术来发现一些缓解,以缓解她panic attacks。她的医生还规定了她的一个benzodiazepinemedication that she only takes when flying due to its tranquilizing effects.
Lori has noticed that her fear of flying has become worse over the years. She now becomes anxious days before her flight and experiences the恐慌和焦虑的身体症状当她只是想到飞行时。
洛里有很多消极的自我对话围绕这个phobia, which often comes out in the form of应该陈述。Lori而不是使用积极的自我肯定,“我必须克服这种恐惧。”当在机场时,她对自己说,“我应该能够在没有任何恐惧的情况下做到这一点“而”我是一个成年人的善良。一世ought在飞机上舒服!“
Lori’s应该statements even continue long after her flight. When back on land, Lori tells herself that she “ought更加控制她的恐惧。“她把自己放下了,告诉自己“她”应该have been less nervous.” Lori concludes that she “must get over all of my fear and anxiety without any help or medication.” These thoughts only lead her to experience more stress and disappointment, and put unreasonable pressure and demands on her which can make her feel like a failure because she was so nervous.
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Lori is thinking unrealistically by making such self-defeating statements and putting such impractical demands on herself. By being so hard on herself and expecting perfection, she is setting herself up for failure.
Should陈述通常只是让您对您的情况感到无望,并进一步减少您的感觉自尊心。Become aware of your应该, oughts, 和必须和try to replace them with more encouraging thoughts.
写下你可能会有所帮助应该statements down whenever you find yourself experiencing this cognitive distortion. Examine the evidence for and against the statement, and then write a new statement that is more realistic and positive. Notice how many应该您在一天中使用的陈述并开始立即更换它们。
"We all have cognitive distortions, negative thoughts, or unhelpful thoughts," says Rachel Goodman, MFT. "There is nothing wrong with you because you have these thoughts—they are automatic thoughts that we have, but the key is to manage them. Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all linked, so you don't want one thought to ruin the course of the day."
Supportive vs. Unsupportive Friends
Should有助于焦虑的陈述通常是我们自己的思想中的。然而有时这些应该statements come from others, adding to anxiety and stress. These negative influences, or what might be consideredbad relationships,可以影响你的情绪和身体健康。
As you think about your own thought patterns in order to lessen the应该s, oughts,和必须,要小心其他人的评论(有时被称为toxic people) such as“你需要,”“你应该,”“你必须......”that can be defeating your peace of mind as well.